2 Days Later

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Author's POV:

2 days have passed since Dick was kidnapped. Wally, Barry, Alfred, and Dinah were doing everything they could to get him back. They all decided it would be best not to tell anyone else, fearing that they would leap into action before thinking. Wally hadn't been doing great. He barely ate, and got almost no sleep. Barry knew how much he loved Rick and was trying his best to get the speedster to eat and sleep again, but  without knowing that his Rob was safe, it seemed impossible. "Anything?" Dinah leaned against the table. Barry sighed. "Nope. Poor kid. He hasn't been acting right with Rick gone." Barry looked at the floor. Dinah frowned. "He hasn't slept since. I'm surprised he's still walking." They chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. Alfred then walked into the room. "The two were exceptionally close." Dinah stopped him. "Are." She said sternly. Alfred nodded. "My apologies. The two do everything together. It would make sense that Master Wally would be acting this way. It almost soothes me in some strange way. It shows me how deeply he cared for Master Dick." Alfred showed a small smile. Barry nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I get it... I'm glad Dick had Wally too."


Rob's POV:

"NO STOP IT!" I screamed. Or tried to. My throat was so dry. I haven't drunken anything in... I don't know. It's been a while though. "STOP SQUIRMING YOU BRAT!" Bruce was trying to tie me even tighter to the chair. I don't know why though. I have no energy to escape. "YOU'RE STAYING HERE WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" He pulled my hair. It looked greasy. It's been a while since I washed it. I think. "WHY ARE YOU EVEN TYI-" My throat let a sharp pain. I shouldn't yell. "Tying me..." Oh gosh my voice sounds awful. Bruce let go of my hair and yanked my chin so I could see him. My vision was so foggy. Not to mention all the sweat and blood in my eyes. He got a bit... violent... He threw a random piece of wood that he found at my head. A gnash came from it. I want to say that it's on my forehead. It's probably infected my now. "So you won't resist." My eyes widened and I grit my teeth. "Resist... what?" I tried making my voice stern, but for the Batman, that won't do. "You're just a worthless piece of trash..." He trailed off. "Or so I thought. Someone was interested in buying you. I was surprised. And he's paying a lot of money for you. More then 6 digits I believe, and money is much more important." He chuckled. My blood ran cold. "Who..." "Nope. I'm not telling you." I tried to sit up, run away, hit Bruce, or something. But he hit me hard, knocking me out. "You useless brat."

Author's POV:

Bruce lead someone inside the room where Dick was. He was tied tightly to a chair, was out cold, and looked dirty. The man smirked. "Here's your money, Mr. Wayne. Pleasure doing business with you." Bruce shook his hand. "The pleasure is all mine, Mr...?" The man smiled. "Rose. Sebastion Rose." (I made the name up) "Well, Mr. Rose. May I ask why you paid so much for... him?" Sebastion chuckled. "Oh no, no, no. I'm simply buying him to restock. He's going to be bought off by the highest bidder. Don't you worry, Mr. Wayne. He most certainly won't go to waste." Bruce smirked. "I never doubted it."

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