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Wally's POV:

My blood was boiling. I was mad at everything. I was mad at Bruce for hurting Rob. Mad at myself that I didn't say anything. I was even a bit mad at Rob for not telling me, but being in his situation, I understand why he said nothing. He was scared. "Let me help you..." Two blinks. I held my breath. He said yes. Or he suggested it. Slowly, he first removed his mask. I haven't seen his eyes in years now that I think about it. I miss those ocean-blue eyes. I loved them. "H-e." His voice was dry and cracked. I think he lost it. "It's ok, Dick. I get it." His eyes were staring into mine. The once bright, happy, blue eyes were misty, dull, and pained. He then went to the bathroom and came back with wipes. He then wiped his face. His face revealed tiny cuts and a big bruise over his left eye. It seemed old since his eye wasn't swollen. There were also smaller bruises along his jaw and throat. What the heck?! Had Bruce tried to choke him or something?! Rob looked down again. I grabbed his hand which was shaking like crazy. "I... U-m..." "It's ok, Dickie. You can show me." He took a deep breath and removed his shirt and gloves. My eyes widened. He was covered in cuts, scrapes, bruises, scars, and even burns. What did he do?! "Are they all from Bru- Him?" One blink. Ok, that's good. Kinda. I guess. No...? Y'know what I mean. "Are some from missions?" Two blinks. "Are the bruises all from him?" He paused and gave me two slow blinks. "The burns." Two blinks. "Scars?" Two blinks. "Cuts and scrapes?" One blink. Ok. So those are from missions. "Rob-" I paused and looked at his arms.  I gently grabbed them. Then I saw it. Cuts. Fresh cuts. Scars. And bruises. "R-Rob? D-don't tell me..." He looked away. "H-he knows th-that I... y'know. He d-doesn't care. Grabs m-me by the wr-wrists - hard - and throws m-me to the w-wall." Looks like his voice came back - barely. I hugged him. I know this situation is serious, but I just knew he needed a hug. He needed a friend. He needed love. He wrapped his arms tightly around me and sobbed. "I got you, Dick. I'll help you. He won't hurt you, anymore." He hugged tighter. "O-ok." He continued to cry and hug me for 10 minutes. I looked at the time. Noon. I chuckled. I'd usually be eating lunch. "Hey, Rob? Wanna-" He was asleep. He looked so peaceful. Does he always cry himself to sleep? I let him stay there. I held him close. I played with his hair. I did what I could to make him feel safe. I then picked up my phone. "What's up, Kiddo?" "We gotta talk. It's about Rob." "What is it?" "B hurts him. Badly. Rob didn't say much, but we got plenty of evidence." "Wait. Like physical abuse?" "Yea." "Crap. Ok. What's he doing?" "Sleeping in my arms." "Aw~ Wish I could take a pic of that." He chuckled. "Shut up!" I whispered yelled. Careful not to wake Rob up. "Ok, ok. Bring him over here. Smash his phone and any devices he always carries with him, including his weapons and mask. In fact, put him in his civies. Or better yet, yours. We have no idea if Bruce put a tracker in any of his belongings, and knowing him, I wouldn't risk anything." "Got it. Thanks, Uncle B. We'll be there soon." "You're welcome, Kiddo. I'll get some things ready." "Bye!" "See ya." I looked at Rob. He was still asleep. I didn't wanna wake him, but I can't change him. "Dickie?" He groaned. "Hm?" "Mind putting some civies on? I'm taking you to Uncle B's and we don't wanna risk Bruce finding you from a tracker. Wear my clothes. And gimme your phone. I gotta smash it. Leave anything that is yours here. We can't let Bruce find you." He sighed. "Y-yeah. I know." I hugged him again. "It'll be ok, Dick. You'll be fine." 

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