Oh No.

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Wally's POV:

A full week has passed since Rob first got sick, and I'm so glad that he's better. He finally looks happy. "So what do we do now?" Uncle B looked at me. He held a cup of coffee in his hands. It was almost 8:00 A.M. and Rob was still asleep. We were careful not to wake him up. "Not sure." Rob was on the couch, and we were in Uncle B's room with the door open, just in case something happened. "We have evidence." We were talking about Bruce. "We do, but he's BRUCE WAYNE. He can just bail himself out. Besides, with his fame and contributions to the city? Yeah Gotham won't let go of him that easily." He sighed. "I hate to agree with you, B." "Should we ask Rick?" I looked out the door to see Rob sleeping soundly on a pillow. "I think he'd want his say in this. Let's just wait for him to wake up."

At the Manor

Author's POV:

Bruce had discovered that Dick ran away about a week ago. He tried to find him with the trackers he had placed but it all lead to Rob's room at MJ. "How DARE he run away behind my back!" Bruce was angry. VERY angry. He was in the bat cave searching for any evidence of Dick. "TRACKERS GONE! DICK GONE! HE DOESN'T LISTEN!" Alfred is fully aware of Dick's disappearance, but has taken a rather different approach. "Thank you Mistress Dinah." "No problem, Alfred. We'd definitely wanna find Ricky soon." She put her hand on her hip. "Certainly." Just then a red blur appeared. "Hey guys!" It was Wally. "Already out of uniform?" Wally just sighed dramatically. "Yeah~" Dinah chuckled. "Oh! Hey, Alf!" "Good afternoon Mr. West." He shook his hand. Alfred's eyes then widened. "Mr. West?" "Hm?" "Have you noticed Master Dick's disappearance?" Wally's eyes widened too. He and Barry promised not to tell anyone about Rob or Bruce. At least, not yet. "Yes. I heard..." He put his head down. He'd figured that he'd better play the part. Dinah put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Kid. We'll find him." Wally smiled. He didn't want anyone to have their suspicions. 


Rob's POV:

"It's getting late." "What time is it?" "Almost 10." "Wanna watch a movie then?" "Sure." Wally and I were sitting on the couch looking at the TV. It was getting late and we were getting bored. "I'm gonna get another blanket. I'll just be a second." He was. "You and your puns." I rolled my eyes. Wally scoffed. "Whatever. Let's just watch the movie." I don't know what he put on, but it was soothing. VERY soothing. I felt myself closing my eyes every minute. "Rob? You good? Earth to Rob." Wally was waving a hand in front of my face. "Yeah... Just... tired..." I yawned. "Tired? With this movie? It's an action one." "Hm...? Really?" I felt woozy. "Dick, can you see me?" I felt hands on my shoulder. "Yes." I shook my head. "Oh no." "Huh?" 

Wally's POV:

I found something. Something bad. Something harmful. A dart. A small black dart in Rob's neck. "You have a dart in your neck!" Rob swayed. "A dArT?" His speech was slurred. "I thought that was a cActuS?" I held him steady. "Wally..." "Yeah?" "What's happening-" He fell limp. I panicked, so I checked his pulse. Phew. He's alive. Just passed out. "Better call B." "I'm already here." I turned around. "Bruce."

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