Body Image

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Rob's POV:

I looked in the mirror. I was alone in the bathroom staring at my reflection. Gosh, when did I gain more weight? I looked at my stomach. I got so big. I looked at my legs. Then my arms. "I gotta work out more. I'm so..." I trailed off. I've been in the bathroom for a while, I gotta get out otherwise Wally or Barry might get suspicious. I peeked out the door. No one was there. I sighed and walked out. "Maybe I can do some simple exercises..." I then felt a hand on my shoulder. "Exercise?" It was Wally's. "AH! Wally! You scared me!" I huffed. He looked concerned. "Rob, you're still sick. Why are you worried about working out?" I looked down. "Cuz I'm fat." I mumbled under my breath. "What?" He leaned closer. "Cuz I'm fat!" I felt a tear fall. "Oh, Rob..."

Wally's POV:

How could Rob think that! He has, like the most perfect body! Why does he think he's fat. "What do you mean Rob? Your in top shape!" He chuckled painfully. "Look at the extra weight I gained. No one would like someone like me!" He turned away. Then something clicked. I wonder if this has something to do with Bruce. "Who told you that?" Rob looked back at me. "B-Bruce." Now I get it. I grabbed his hands. "Dick, whatever Bruce told you isn't true." "Then why does it feel like it is!" More tears of his fell. "Because he was an adult, and you spent a majority of your life with him. No matter how bad you don't wanna believe, you just do." He sniffed. "He said, that n-no one would l-love me if I'm f-fat..." He gripped my hands. "He would even call me fat if I ate a lot, or if I didn't work out..." He paused. I looked into his eyes. "Dick, what he said wasn't true." I felt a blush creep in. Rob just stared back at me. "And how do you know that?!" He was sobbing at this point. "Because... I love you." His eyes widened. "W-what?" "I said I love you. Forget what he told you. He hurt you. Physically and mentally. He made you think things about yourself that were never true. You're perfect just the way you are." I saw a small smile and blush form. "Really?" "Of course, Dickie. I don't regret a word." He hugged me. "I don't know how many times I've said it, but I know it's not enough." He looked up at me. "Thank you, Wally." I smiled and hugged him back - tightly. "Anything for you, Birdie."

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