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Robin's POV:

Sister?! What?! My face was still in shock. "Here," The woman gently untied the ropes around my hands and feet. "You're..." She smiled. "I know it might be hard to believe, but I am your sister, Elizabeth. Feel free to call me Liz." She said with a smile. I still couldn't believe it. "H-how?! I've lived with my parents before they-" I paused. "Before they what?" I didn't say anything. She sighed. "You may not believe me, so allow me to explain." I looked up at her. "I was about 6 years old when you were born, Dick. And that was also when we all just moved into life at the circus." She stopped and looked at me. "Do you still perform there?" I shook my head. "Mom and Dad?" I hesitated before shaking my head again. "Well, one day we were walking through the park and they sat on the bench while I played on the slide." She looked at me again. "How old are you again?" "Fif... Fifteen." My throat was killing me. I think it's been days since I had cold, clean water. "I figured. I'm 21." I nodded and she continued. "A man came up to me, asked me to help him find his dog. Mom and Dad never really covered stranger danger, so I went with him. Next thing I know, I'm tied up in a van." I nodded again. That made sense. My parents were very big on teaching me stranger danger. They taught me since I was 4 and stopped when I was 7. It was almost like school. "Days past after that, and I'm tossed on the side of the road in Canada. A woman finds me and takes me in as her own. I grew up with her as my mom until she passes away a few years ago." Her foster mom died? How do I tell her about her real mom? "I've been doing everything trying to find you or Mom or Dad. I found you on an ad, and decided to 'buy you'. I know it sounds weird." She chuckled. "So, how are our parents?" She grabbed my hands with hope. "Um... I'm not sure h-how to tell you this, but..." She looked at me with confusion. "They're d-dead. Killed at the circus d-during their act. Th-they f-fell right in f-front of m-me." I felt tears fall. "I s-still hear her c-calling my n-name..." I was sobbing. I hated bringing them up. It just unlocks more bad memories. Liz hugged me. "Shh... Sorry, Dickie. Didn't mean to bring it up. It's fine. You're fine. It'll be ok." She rubbed my back. "Thanks, Liz."


Author's POV: 

"I FOUND SOMETHING!" Barry yelled down the hall of Mount Justice to Wally. It was currently 2 o'clock at MJ and no one else was there besides the uncle and his energetic nephew who ran down the hall. "What is it?!" "Here, look!" Wally looked at the screen to see an online ad with a picture of Robin. "I heard a villain mention something about this website, so I checked it out. Looks like Bruce just wanted money." Wally's eyes were glued to the screen. He was seeing his Rob. "Lemme just..." Flash tried to go to the next page of the website, but it froze. "Try refreshing it." "K." He clicked the refresh button but something changed. "No." Wally was frozen. "Don't tell me..." There, the picture of Rob was covered by the words "SOLD". "It's a start. We have a clue, and that's better then nothing. Go get some sleep, Kiddo. We'll talk more about this in the morning. Flash ruffled Wally's hair. "Ok. 'Night, B." "Night Wally." 

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