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Wally's POV:

3 days have passed since Rob got sick. He's getting better, but still isn't fully recovered. We've all decided that Rob would be staying with Uncle B and me from now on. Honestly, I'm so happy he's gonna stay with us. I get to see his cute face every single day now~ "You're so slow, Walls!" "Oh just wait! I got a mushroom power-up!" We were playing Mario Cart and Rob was beating me. "C'mon! Just a bit closer!" GAME! "Dang it!" Rob beat me by a second. "Ha! Told ya that I'm the best!" He put a fake crown on his head. "Whatever, I slipped on a banana last minute." "All I hear is a very sore loser~" He laughed, and I joined him. I loved his laugh. It's so contagious. I also love how he's now happy. It makes my heart all warm. "So, what are we gonna do now? We played every game known to man at this point." He sighed. I just shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe we can watch a movie?" Rob looked at me. "Sure! What do you wanna watch?" "How about a Disney movie?" Rob tilted his head. "Disney?" "Yeah!" "Is that the name of a movie...?" I gasped. "YOU NEVER HEARD OF DISNEY?!?!" He stiffened. "He didn't really let me watch movies... The only movies I watched was ones with you and the team. In fact, that's the only reason I know what a  movie is!" I was still shocked. "Yeah... We're watching a Disney movie..." I grabbed the remote and scrolled through the movie choices. "Hm... Let's see... You're first Disney movie... Um..." I thought for a second. "I don't wanna watch a princess one... A live action remake isn't the same as the original movie..." Rob just stared at the screen. He looked mesmerized by all the movie title pictures. "What is a Disney movie?" I stopped scrolling and looked at Rob. I stroked my chin. "Uh, well, they're all different, - kinda, but they mostly have a few things in common. That's magic, and very catchy songs." His eyes widened. "Ooohh! That's sounds nice!" He smiled. I mentally blushed. "OOH! This is perfect!" "Hm? What is it?" Rob leaned over to see the screen. "Bambi! Nice songs, cute characters! It's a great first movie!" Rob looked excited. "Ok! Let's watch it!" "Great!" I pressed play. Let the fun begin. 


(10 minutes into the movie)

Still Wally's POV:

Rob was balling. Bambi's mom just died and he was sobbing. (Idk at what part she died, so i guessed) "Hey, Rob... You doing good? The movie barely started." He looked at me. "His MOM just died! Right in front of him! Of course I'm gonna cry!" I paused. Oh crap. I forgot. Bambi's mom died in front of him, just like Rob's... "I shouldn't have picked this-" "No, it's just a movie. It'll end soon. I'm fine." "You aren't. Besides, I picked a very sad movie. I have a different one in mind." Rob looked down. I knew what he was thinking. "Don't worry about it. I don't even like Bambi that much. It's not that big of a deal to change the movie." He didn't move. I sighed and put on a much happier movie - The Princess and the Frog. I know I said the princess movie aren't the best, I love the Princess and the Frog. It's so good. 

The movie started and the music began to play. I was so focused on the movie that I didn't even feel Rob fall onto my shoulder. His eyes were closed. All those tears must've tired him out. I looked at him and smiled while wiping some of the remaining tears. I put my head on top of his and watched the movie. I put my hand around Rob's waist and hugged him. "I won't have to kiss anymore frogs with you as my prince..."

Ty 10306linda for the suggestion <3


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