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The decision weighed heavy on my shoulders as the emissaries from the Wolfkin tribe stood at the gates, seeking entry. Instinctively, I refused, a surge of anger rising within me like an unyielding tempest. An argument ensued with Master
"Stop being such a half wit. Don't let your emotions get in the way. I thought you better than this pathetic person that you're trying to become." "Not now, you old Sythra." I was never good with insults like Master is, which also lands her against the wall or floor in pain as I used my powers on her. As Sythran's powers are only the power elements, there isn't much that she would do that could cause permanent damage on me.

From the early stages of her training me, she's only used air power on me once. And after the usage we both knew to never use it again, at least not each other.

"Go talk to the elders, maybe they can slap some sense into the thick skin of yours." "And what could they say? Huh? Oh let the beasts in whom are from the same land as the bustard who killed your whole family? I don't think so."

"Just go will you?"
She says as she urged me to seek the counsel of the elders.

As I walked the long, echoing halls leading to the elders' sanctuary, the weight of grief settled heavily on my shoulders. Each step seemed to carry the burden of memories, and the walls whispered the echoes of moments long gone. The corridors, once filled with laughter and the innocent playfulness of youth, now seemed haunted by the specter of loss.

A flood of emotions engulfed me, threatening to drown reason and composure. The weight of responsibility pressed upon me as I remembered the times when these very hallways were a playground for my little brother and me. His laughter, like a distant melody, echoed in the chambers of my mind.

As I approached the elders' sanctuary, my heart swelled with an overwhelming sense of sadness. But then, as if a balm for my grieving soul, a vision unfolded before my eyes. The once desolate halls now echoed with the laughter of children from my tribe, their voices dancing in the air like playful notes.

A wave of determination surged within me as I witnessed the joyous scene. The resilience of my people, their ability to find happiness amidst the shadows, stirred a profound sense of purpose. I felt a solemn duty to shield them from the anguish I had known, to ensure that their laughter would not be silenced by the cruel hands of fate.

Opening my eyes, I made a silent vow. The weight of my losses became the foundation of a promise – a promise to protect my people, to shield them from the pain and grief that had shattered my world. The echoes of my brother's laughter lingered, a guiding melody inspiring my resolve to be a guardian for those who deserved the sanctuary of joy and safety.

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