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The days leading up for the attack on Drakonia passes in a blur of intense preparation and anticipation. Each moment is filled with a sense of urgency as we finalized our plans and ready our forces for the coming battle.
I spend countless hours training alongside the soldiers, teaching them more and more techniques and pushing myself to the limit and honing my skills for the challenges that lie ahead. Despite the weight of responsibility on my shoulders, I find solace in the camaraderie of my comrades and the unwavering determination in their eyes.

As the day of the attack draws near, tension hangs heavy in the air. We gather one final time to review our strategy, each member of our coalition standing talk and resolute.

Master is packing her backs for her return to Thundar, "If anything, and I mean anything happens-" she cuts me off with a wave of her hand, "You have to focus on this, take him down." I nod as she pulls me in and hugs me, I should push her away and pull away from this hug but it felt nice to have her finally hug me.

"Master-" "Don't mention it kid, you got a real fire in you. I am proud of you." "Thank you," I smile as she steps back and grabs her bag and walks out to her horse.
With a sense of grin determination, we set out under the cover of darkness, our footsteps echoing sifting in the night. The journey to Drakonia is fraught with peril, but we press on undeterred, fueled by our shared resolve to reclaim what was taken from any by the hands of Admiral Arnoux.

As the first light dawn breaks over the horizon, we stand on the outskirts of Drakonia, our hearts pounding with anticipation. The time for action has come, and together, we march forward into the heart of the enemy territory, ready to face whatever challenge may lie ahead.

"Wait," Xander quickly grabs me before we parted ways, "I can't lose you again, so you better get that son of the bitch." I quickly hugged him tightly, this might the last time I see him, "I will, and you please not only take care of yourself but also please look after Serana, her mind won't fully be where she might be but please-"
"Of course, I love you Kel'enas."

"I love you too Alexander, til we see each other again." He nods.

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