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In the tranquil realm of sleep, my consciousness surrendered to the vivid tapestry of dreams, a place where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blurred. As slumber embraced me, the dream unfolded, revealing a series of challenges and aspirations.

Beside me stood my strict Thundar teacher, a figure embodying the relentless pursuit of mastering our tribe's unique powers—speaking to the dead and blood manipulation. With each futile attempt, the piercing gaze of my instructor communicated disappointment.
"Maybe it skipped generations, or even better I'm just a regular student..."
My usual playfulness, my go-to escape from the gravity of royal responsibilities, failed to alleviate the tension.

Through the dream's window, the world outside beckoned with the carefree laughter of children, the spirited duels of my brothers, and an unrestrained joy that fueled my longing. Envy coursed through the dream, prompting me to question why I couldn't join in the exuberant games.

"You have duties to fulfill Princess Kel'enas."

Seeking answers, I turned to my Thundar teacher, but her resolve remained unwavering. The desire to break free from the constraints intensified, and I pressed further for an explanation. However, before an answer could emerge, my mother, the Queen, entered the dream, radiating regality.

Her words resonated like distant thunder, "Only those with such brilliant minds like yours, are privileged enough to explore the intricate magic and power, my little one."
"What about Calliope or even Xander or even Orion? Whom is quite younger than me! Mother please, my hands are tired and I hate this stupid mending." My inquiry about the absence of my older sister drew a response that highlighted her duty as the throne's second in command.
"And it's called bending, not mending. You should practice the Thundar powers so more...."

"Why even bother, I'm unable to practice blood bending or shadow bending....just let me become a soldier."
"You're a princess, you have duties-" "To fulfill, yeah yeah."

My mother's gaze held a blend of concern and encouragement, acknowledging the struggles woven into my journey. She reassured me that mastering Thundar's power required time, a personal odyssey every Thundar must undertake. As her words lingered in the dream, it shattered, leaving me waking up in my chamber, beads of sweat clinging to my skin. The residue of yearning for both power and freedom hung in the air, a testament to the complexities of my dual desires.

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