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I grit my teeth against the pain as Arnoux binds my broken fingers together with a cold metal chain. Each moment sends shockwaves of agony through my body, but I refuse to give him the satisfaction of hearing me scream.

"Why did you call me your niece? My mother doesn't have any linkage to your kind," I managed to choke out, my voice barely above a whisper. Arnoux pauses, as a cruel smirk twisting his lips, "Ah, Kel'ease," he sneer, "surely you remember your time in the Wolfkin tribe as a young child?"
Tears blur my vision as I shake my head in disbelief, "No....I don't remember," I whisper, my voice trembling with fear and confusion.

Arnoux's laughter echoes in the room, choking me to the bone. "Every Wolfkin child carries memories from their earliest years," he taunts his voice dripping with malice as if enjoying all of this. "Our wolves are with us from the mo
Ent we're born."
Fury boils inside of me as he speaks, "shut up, I'm not one from your tribe," I seethe, my voice trembling with anger. "I'm from House Thundar!"

He chuckles fairly, reaching out to stroke my hair, I try to recoil, but his grip tightens, holding me in place. "Ah, but you see my desk Kel'ease," he murmurs, a twisted smile spreading across his face, "you have a Wolfkin blood running through your veins. My sister, Alleia, was your mother."
Tears streaming down my cheeks as I scream, "No! You're lying! You killed my mother. 8 fucking years ago!"

Arnoux's smile only widens at my outburst, "Yes, indeed I did," he admits calmly sending wave of shock and despair crashing over me. "I killed both of your mothers, and that felt exhilarating,"

My heart shatters into a million pieces as the truth sinks in. I'm consumed by grief and anger, he took both of them away from me, but way? What I have ever done to him? "You monster!" I wail, my voice raw with emotions.

"You fucking monster."

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