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It's all dark....is this what death looks like? "Kel'enas," as I find myself in this dark place, two voice echos around me. "Who's there?" I turned around but all I can see is nothing but darkness.
I close my eyes, and I open them again, I'm face to face with a man and a woman. The man is dressed in Thundar clothes, while the woman wears the colors of the Wolfkin tribe. They are carrying a baby, dressed in the same clothes as I seen when I was unconscious a few weeks ago.
"No no, this is not real....it's all Arnoux's doing, wake up," however the man's voice breaks through, "Kel, our baby girl," he spoke with teary eyes as he held the woman's hand.

"It's us sweetheart, your mom and dad, we've missed you so much, you've have grown into a beautiful young lady." Stunned, tears stream down my face as I feel a sense of closure, as if they're the missing piece that I've been longing for.

"Mom? Dad...." I move to hold them, but they disappear before I can reach them. "No, come back!" I yelled into the unknown.
"Come back, please," I cried as I fell to my knees, "I'm tired," I whispered as tears began streaming down my face. "I just my mom,"

As I sit in the darkness, tears streaming down my face as I curl into a ball, pulling my legs up toward my chest. Exhausted weights heavily on me, both physically and emotionally. I can't help but think about everything that has led me to this moment–my mother's death, my brother's tragic fate, I didn't have anyone. Everyone was taken by Arnoux. There's no point in feeling more pain, I've lost.

Betrayal cuts deep as I think about Master and her actions. How could she? She taught me everything that I know. Taught me to control my emotions, to master my powers to the fullest potential. But why? So that she can help Arnoux kill me? The poison coursing through my veins feels like a death sentence, I can feel it slowing me down, it's killing me slowly from the inside out. Each thought adds to the weight pressing down on my shoulders, why shouldn't I just give up? I've lost, I underestimated Arnoux and how cruel he can truly be.

As I am feeling on these dark thoughts, I just realized maybe I don't want to try anymore. I've kept my feeling buried deep inside for so long, 'Queens don't show emotions' Master could yell at me whenever I could cry.

But I'm just tired....of it all, tired of fighting, of enduring pain after pain. In my mind I'm starting to give up already, surrendering to the overwhelming despair that threatens to consume me.

I look up at the figure of my mother, she's not Alleia but it's still comforting presence nonetheless. I don't say anything, I simply watch as my mother approaches me with a gentle expression. My mother breaks the silence, "Don't give up sweetheart, they need you,"
"I can feel it, Mother," I whisper, my voice heavy with despair, "I'm dying. My body is giving up on me, I can feel it."
My mother's sad smile only deepens as she acknowledges the truth. But instead of succumbing to the darkness, she tells me that there's something that I need to see. In an instant, the darkness shifts, and I find myself back in my childhood study chamber.

"Why can't I remember this?" I whisper as I feel tired, "You were 8 years old, always trying to control your powers," frustration and anger consume younger me, but my mother's voice cuts through the chaos, "You are one resilient kid, even at a young age," she smiles,

"You've never known how to give up, sweetheart," my mother says tenderly, "And you can't give up now, wake up Kel. You have to wake up,"

"I can't, you think I like this darkness?" I whisper as I sigh turing my back to memory. "Why can't I remember this?" I asked, "you did this?"

"No sweetheart, this is all you're doing, you're the one who created the door in your head, only you can open it. Gods, Kel, you are one of the strongest beings of this world,"

I sight as I feel frustrated, "I don't feel strong," she tries to touch me but I pull away, "Can't I die in peace mother?" She was stunned and I immediately feel like shit for saying that to her.

"I didn't mean that," "It's okay," she add with a small smile, "Arnoux had the upper hand....all this time, I was attacked because he knew where to find me, I trusted her mother, I did....now my friends and family are there and I am here stuck," I feel weaker and weaker, but I wouldn't stop, not with everyone putting their lives on the line.

"Send me back," I tell her and she nods, as I began to feel my eyes growing heavy, the weight of exhaustion pulling me down but I needed to wake up.

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