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In the void between consciousness and dreams, I lingered in a realm of uncertainty. Shadows danced, playing out a haunting memory—the day my tribe was attacked. The air was thick with tension, and the scent of blood tainted the once pristine landscape.

My eyes were fixed on Admiral Arnoux, the orchestrator of our tragedy. His wicked grin etched into my memory as he unleashed chaos upon my people. The echo of screams reverberated, a painful symphony of loss.

Time seemed frozen, trapped in the throes of that fateful day. I wanted to escape this relentless loop, to awaken from the nightmare that held me captive. Yet, the darkness clung to me, refusing to release its grip.

I yearned to break free, to return to the realm of the living. The persistent silence in my mind left me disoriented. Was it the lingering effect of Ileana's attack or something more profound? I strained against the unseen chains that bound my consciousness.

As the scenes of destruction replayed, a surge of anger and helplessness washed over me. The faces of those I'd lost haunted my thoughts—my mother, my little brother, the members of my tribe. Each memory carried the weight of grief, an unbearable burden.

In the midst of this tumultuous mental landscape, a distant voice called out—a faint whisper cutting through the darkness. Was it a connection to the present, a beacon guiding me back? I strained to grasp the elusive thread, yearning for a return to the waking world.

The whispers persisted, growing stronger as if urging me to confront the shadows that held me captive. Slowly, I began to discern a familiar voice—the voice of General Serana. Her words, like a lifeline, reached through the abyss, pulling me towards consciousness.

With each whispered encouragement, the memories of that harrowing day began to blur, dissipating like morning mist. The pain that once gripped my heart eased, allowing room for the present to seep through.

As the darkness receded, I found myself on the threshold of awareness. The sounds of the infirmary, muffled at first, gradually became distinct. General Serana's voice was joined by others—the hushed murmurs of healers and the distant shuffle of footsteps.

I tried to open my eyes, to reconnect with the world around me, but the effort felt monumental. The weight of fatigue pressed upon me, making every movement an uphill battle. Still, the encouraging whispers persisted, coaxing me to break free from the lingering tendrils of unconsciousness.

In the quiet dance between the past and the present, I sought the strength to fully awaken, to confront not only the shadows of my memories but also the uncertainties that awaited in the waking world.

The transition between the realm of dreams and the waking world remained elusive, a delicate dance between consciousness and the echoes of the past. General Serana's voice acted as my guide, a steadfast presence amidst the lingering shadows.

As I struggled to open my eyes, the murmurs around me grew more distinct. The scent of medicinal herbs permeated the air, mingling with the underlying anxiety of the infirmary. It became evident that something significant had transpired during my unconscious state.

Despite the persistent whispers, my attempts to fully awaken felt like navigating through a dense fog. Each moment of clarity was fleeting, slipping through my grasp like grains of sand. The remnants of the haunting day my tribe was attacked continued to linger, intertwining with the present.

General Serana's soothing tones reassured me, coaxing my mind to break free from the constraining bonds of the past. The warmth of her presence offered a beacon in the murkiness, a connection grounding me in the reality unfolding around me.

Yet, the struggle persisted, and the echoes of that fateful day held a grip on my consciousness. As I teetered on the edge of awakening, uncertainty and anticipation mingled, creating a fragile balance between the known and the unknown.

As the battle between the realms of consciousness and memories unfolded, I found myself caught in a web of pain and confusion. The sensation of someone touching me reached through the haze, a tender connection pulling me towards the surface.

Killian's voice, a lifeline in the darkness, urged me to return. He pleaded with a desperation that reverberated through my very core, emphasizing the stakes that transcended my personal struggle. The tribes needed me; he needed me. Yet, the relentless grip of the past held me captive.

My breathing quickened, spiraling into the depths of a panic attack. The weight of the unrelenting memories pressed down, threatening to consume me entirely. I struggled against the invisible restraints, yearning to break free.

In the throes of desperation, a self-soothing mantra echoed within me. "I'm okay. I'll wake up." The words, a fragile shield against the encroaching darkness, became my anchor. Slowly, the panic receded, giving way to a profound stillness.

In that quietude, a familiar presence enveloped me. My mother, ethereal and comforting, stood before me. Her gaze held a profound understanding, as if she carried the weight of my struggles with her. The connection between us transcended the confines of reality, bridging the gap between the living and the departed.

With her silent encouragement, I felt a gentle shift. The impenetrable veil between the realms began to thin, allowing a sliver of light to penetrate the darkness. As I reached towards that illumination, a whisper of hope carried me back towards the waking world.

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