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The afternoon after the rally is a blur as we begin to strategize and prepare for the impending battle against Admiral Arnoux, plans are discussed, as we all think of the best way to break into the capital of the Wolfkin tribe,

"That's not going to work," Kieran adds in with a furious response, "We'll do you have any better idea?" Stark spoke with the same furious tone as he crossed his arms over his chest, "Many will die," Kiera sighs, "We have to think of another way,"

"We've all have lost people," Stark comments, "Perhaps we can try and look at a different approach, Kel'enas, any help?" I hadn't realized that they'd waiting for me to speak til Master's tries to touch me and I quickly pull away from her reach, "It's a war, many will die regardless," I simply stated as everyone looked at me as if I had lost my mind,

"Are you okay?" Xander asks with concern written all over his face,
"Never be better, besides we're losing time changing the course of where we can struck an attack," I add with a sigh as I can feel a headache forming already.

"Maybe we can try-" Serana tries to come to the rescue but I wasn't in the mood to go back and forth with everyone today, "We have cut it short to three states, Drakonia, Elsoria, and Mythrandia....we can't change it, and I am sorry, but Drakonia is fastest to Arnoux and...." I try to think of how to possibly state this without causing pain but there's no other way,

"Perhaps it'll be best to get your family and friends out of the state before......" "Before you all fucking kill them all?" Kieran adds with a furious expression as he slaps his hand onto the table, "Gods, are you kidding me?" I asked with a bittersweet laugh as I walk up towards him as everyone else watched waiting to see what will happen,

"You act as if I want to harm your kind, but I don't. I only want peace, we all do, isn't that what your plan were?" Coming face to face with him should scare me but lately I haven't been scared of anything in while, "You only want peace if it benefits your kind," he spits out at me.

I laugh, was he honestly believing his own words right now? "You know what? I'll be nice and personal write a letter to Arnoux and I want you to deliver it to him," "What are you talking about?" Xander asks, "Your people have 7 days to leave the state of Drakonia," I stated, feeling exhausted,

"If they don't?" Lars asks quietly, "Then they die," I replied as I walked outside feeling like I need space from all of them.

Three weeks  have passed since  we  meticulously planned our strategy to attack the state of Drakoina, the heart of the Wolfkin tribe. Despite the weight of anticipation hanging over us, each day brought us closer to our goal.

Three days have passed since the letter to Admiral Arnoux was sent, and silence has been our only reply.

As night deepens, a restless unease grips me, prompting me to awaken, and I find myself face to face with three distinctive uniform of Wolfkin soldiers.

Anger boils within me as I demanded to know if Admiral Arnoux  is too weak to face me personally, "What, he was scared of a 19 year old? And send you three?"

With adrenaline coursing through me I brace myself for what's to come next.

As the tension escalates, the air thickens with the promise of violence. One of the soldiers lunges at me, but my instincts kicks in, prompting me to out of the way with a lightning speed.

I admonish his weak attack. Yet in the chaotic moment, another soldier gains the upper hand and manages a punishing blow to my face, pain sears through me as I stagger, momentarily stunned by the force of the impact. But yet I refuse to yield, because I have taken far worse, than a few punches.

"Is that all you can you do," I managed to speak as I spite out some blood out of my mouth, "now it's my turn." Summoning the earth's power to my command, I unleash a torrent of rocks ensnaring my attacker and rendering him immobile, it's a brief respite but one that allows me to regain my momentum and press on the relentless struggle against those that seek to harm me.

With two soldiers remaining, I muster the last vestiges of my strength. Causing me to channeling the air around me with an intensity born of desperation. As I draw the very breath from their lungs, one of the soldiers collapses, gasping for air, meanwhile the other remaining defiant, undeterred by my onslaught.

But fatigue begins to creep in, my limps feeling weak, weighing me down with each passing moment. In a cruel twist of fate, I find myself overpower, a relentless blow knocking me to the ground. Agony radiates through me, "Shit," I whisper as I wipe more blood off my lips, my side also hurts more, my rib is broken, "Really dude?" A cruel reminder of the physical toll exacted by our skirmish.

But even in the agonizing pain that is shooting through me, I refuse to backdown, if Admiral Arnoux thought three solider is what will take to get the job done, well he's clearly miscalculated.

Summoning more of my powers, I unleash my blood magic, ensnaring that the remaining attacker is unable to move a single finger. As they lie unmobilized, I collapse to the ground, my body racked with agony every breath a struggle against encroaching darkness.

With a swift gesture, I command the blood within their veins to halt its flow, their bodies rendered motionless as if trapped in a macabre dance with death, a grim smile plays upon my lips as I witness the terrifying looks displayed across their faces, knowing full well the fate that awaits them.

In a surge of power, I unleash the destruction force of my blood magic, engulfing them in a torrent of crimson rage. Their bodies convulse and contort, tort asunder by the explosive force, leaving behind naught but scattered remains of flesh and bones.

As the echoes of destruction faded away, I stand amidst the carnage, my body drenched in their blood and flesh, sweat beads upon my brow mingles with the crimson stains upon my skin, as reddish hue tinges my dark skin.

I feel exhausted and unable to breathe properly, and I hate that I am covered in their remains.

Stunned by the steer force of my own power, I stand amidst the remnants of the gruesome spectacle, my mind reeling with disbelief at the experience ent of my capabilities. The sound of hurried footsteps draws my attention, and before I can fully grasp the situation, General Serana is at my side, her express a mixture of concern and urgency as she places her hands onto my cheeks.

I lean heavily into her embrace, my body trembling with exhaustion as the weight of the confrontation bears down upon me. My breath comes in ragged gasps, each inhalation a struggle against the oppressive weight pressing down upon my chest.

Sh says something, but I can't seem to fully understand her, is she asking if I am okay? Hurt?

As the others gather around, their faces etched with a mixture of shock and concern, I feel the weight of their collective gaze upon me. Bites and torn remnants litter their he room, a grim testament to the fight that had occurred within the confines to f my sanctuary.

With a weary sigh, I allow myself to succumb to the fatigue that threatens to overwhelm me, my eyelids growing heavy as darkness encroaches upon my senses. In the comforting embrace of Serana's arms, I find solace amidst the chaos, my consciousness slipping into the depths of exhaustion as the world slowly faded into the oblivious.

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