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The grand hall buzzed with tension as Elara and Thundar representatives gathered for the crucial alliance meeting. Killian stood at my side, his gaze a mix of determination and concern. General Serana, a silent pillar of support, flanked us as we prepared to address the assembly.

As we navigated through the intricate negotiations, Lars, Killian's older brother, maintained a skeptical stance. His piercing eyes bore into us, challenging the sincerity of our alliance. The room echoed with whispers and guarded glances, highlighting the fragile nature of the relationship we sought to build.

In the midst of the discussions, I noticed Master, a Thundar elder, standing in the shadows. Though our interactions had been marked by a certain coldness, I approached her with a smile. "Master." I greeted, "Something has changed within you. What is it?" She questioned.

"I can tap into my Thundar powers now, and I even spoke to my mom."

Master's demeanor softened, a rare flicker of warmth in her eyes. "That is a significant development, Kel'enas. I'm pleased to hear about your progress."

As the negotiations continued, I explained to Master the reason for seeking her presence. "I need someone who can fight alongside me, one-on-one, without getting harmed. I can't afford to unintentionally hurt those around me like I did with Killian."

Master considered my request, and after a moment of contemplation, she agreed to join our cause. With Master, General Serana, the four Wolfkin, and our trusted allies Taryn, Rinwick, and Stark, we forged a united front on our journey to Sythra, where the impending battle against Admiral Arnoux awaited.


The training grounds echoed with the clatter of weapons and the shouts of soldiers as we attempted to teach the Elara army the delicate art of disarming opponents. Frustration hung in the air as their attempts fell short, their movements lacking the finesse needed for the Thundar technique.

Master, observing from the sidelines, finally spoke up, her tone resolute. "Let's show them how it's done, Thundar style."

I shared a knowing smile with her and nodded in agreement. As we entered the sparring ring, the atmosphere shifted, and all eyes were fixed on us.

The dance of combat unfolded, each move executed with precision. The soldiers watched in awe as Master and I seamlessly demonstrated the Thundar technique. It was a fluid exchange of strikes and counters, a beautiful display of skill that left the spectators captivated.

In the heat of the moment, I nearly disarmed Master, my blade inches away from her grasp. However, she countered with a swift three-point attack, catching me off guard. The impact sent me to my knees, blood trickling down from a wound on my side.

I felt a surge of adrenaline as General Serana moved to intervene, concern etched on her face. With a subtle signal, I conveyed that I was fine, urging her to stay back.

Master took advantage of the moment, placing her weapon near my neck as I panted heavily. "You've gone soft, half wit," she remarked, her words cutting through the air. It was a private comment, intended for my ears alone, and I couldn't help but reflect on the truth within her words.

Hate simmered within me as Master's words cut deep. "You've gone soft, half wit." The derogatory term stung, igniting a fire within me that fueled my determination. Pushing myself up, I cast a defiant glance at Master, silently challenging her assessment.

She turned to the onlookers, her voice echoing through the training grounds. "Now, that's how it's done."

A hushed silence followed, broken only by the footsteps of an Elara girl who confidently strode to the front of the ring. Her skin bore the golden hue of the Elara tribe, and her long, flowing hair cascaded down her back. Adorned in vibrant, intricate robes, she stood with an air of confidence.

The Elara army gasped as the girl asserted, "You're nothing but a  weak bitch." "Ileana, enough." Stark,  immediately addressed her by name, urging her to stop. But the girl persisted, challenging me openly.

"If she's so strong, why did she hide away in her palace?" she taunted. I could feel the anger building within me, and without hesitation, I retorted, "Go fuck yourself." I was tired everyone thinking that I enjoyed turning my back onto those who needed my help and my tribe's, but I am the Queen of Thundar I needed to put my people above all.

"I challenge you, where we can both use our power.....I finally get my time to teach you a little lesson." What was her deal? What lesson was she talking about?

"Is that so? Well Leana, you got yourself a fight." I accepted the challenge.

Walking out of the ring, I extended my hand for a shake, a gesture of respect. However, the Elara girl met my gaze with disdain, refusing the offered hand. The air crackled with anticipation as the stage was set for a showdown between Thundar and Elara.

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