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The clashing of swords reverberated through the courtyard, each strike amplifying the unsettling tension within me. As beads of sweat formed on my forehead, the air seemed to thicken with an inexplicable discomfort. The Elara soldiers watched intently, their eyes reflecting a mixture of anticipation and apprehension.

In the midst of the duel, an unseen force played tricks on my senses. A wave of nausea swept over me, and I caught the scent of blooming flowers mixed with the metallic tang of blood. Blood...my blood. Anxiety clung to the air as my grip on the sword tightened, the familiar weight now accompanied by an unfamiliar unease.

Desperation clawed at my chest as I attempted to halt the duel. An Elara girl's assertion of tradition became an impenetrable barrier, intensifying the palpable tension. With a forceful strike, I stumbled backward, blood trickling down my nose. The metallic taste intensified, merging with the fragrance of the Elara's unique flowers.

In my attempt to regain control, I unleashed my blood-bending abilities. The courtyard fell silent, except for Killian's pained cries. The scent of sweat mingled with the earthy aroma of the training grounds, creating a volatile concoction that mirrored the internal turmoil.

My vision blurred as I unleashed the uncontrollable force of my blood-bending powers upon Killian. It was like a tempest within my mind, a torrent of memories and emotions clashing in a storm of anguish. I could feel his struggles, his desperate attempts to move, to break free from the invisible shackles that bound him.

Killian's voice, a lifeline in this maelstrom, reached out to me. "Kel'enas. My Queen, stop!" he pleaded, his words swallowed by the overwhelming power I was unleashing. The air crackled with the intensity of my abilities, and I could sense the pain etched on his face.

As I delved deeper into the recesses of my blood-bending, trying to grasp control, I was unaware of the chaos unfolding within Killian's mind. Flashes of his own painful memories mingled with mine, creating a disorienting tapestry of shared suffering.

Sweat formed on Killian's forehead, evidence of the physical toll this internal struggle exacted on him. The weight of my powers pressed down on him, making every attempt to move a dance with searing pain. His limbs, once agile, now felt like lead.

"Kel'enas, please!" he implored, his voice a whisper in the tempest. But I couldn't heed his call. The storm of memories, fueled by the echoes of our shared pasts, raged on, threatening to consume both of us.

"Stop moving" I tried to warn him but for some reason I was unable to form the words. It was all in my head. Why can't they come out?

In this nightmarish dance, I was lost. The lines between reality and illusion blurred, and my powers, instead of being a tool, became a destructive force tearing through the fragile fabric of our minds. I struggled to maintain control, unaware of the toll it took not only on Killian but on myself.

"Kel'enas, I beg of you."
He was so close but yet so far away from my reach.

As the storm within me raged, I realized I was not just battling for my own sanity but also for Killian's release. The echoes of his past and the scars on my soul intertwined, creating a tumultuous symphony of shared anguish. The struggle continued, a dance on the precipice of despair, as I grappled with the consequences of my powers gone awry.

I stood in the dueling ring, my breaths ragged and my mind a tempest of emotions. General Serana, breaking through the invisible confines, rushed towards me. Her hands settled on both sides of my head, a grounding presence amidst the chaos. Soft whispers reached my ears, urging me to distinguish reality from the haunting memories. "It's not him, it's not Admiral Arnoux. It's all in your mind, Kel'enas. Snap out of it, or else you'll drain his blood" she comforted, her voice a lifeline in the storm. "Send out of it!" She yelled.

With a determined shake, General Serana guided me to release the blood-bending hold on Killian. As the invisible shackles lifted, my hand found solace in hers – a brief connection born from shared struggles. Exhausted and teary-eyed, I confessed, "I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean to-I-I-"

"Oh Gods." General Serana, understanding the turmoil within, reassured me with a knowing gaze.

My eyes shifted to where Killian had stood. A sinking feeling enveloped me as I witnessed him fall backward, a consequence of my unleashed powers. Lars and the Wolfkin rushed to his side, "I am deeply sorry, I don't know what took over me-" I attempted to apologize, but Lars, fueled by protective anger, sharply cut me off.

"Get lost! If you come near my brother again, I'll personally cut your throat, and finish what Arnoux started with you." he warned, his words a mix of concern for Killian and animosity towards me. In the aftermath of the chaotic incident, I stood alone in the ring, drowning in shame and embarrassment for the unintended havoc I had unleashed upon those I desperately wanted to protect.

The air in the dueling ring turned heavy as Rinwick and Stark, the Elara brothers, commanded everyone to leave. The entire army dispersed, leaving me standing alone in the center of the silent circle. I could feel the gaze of the remaining onlookers, their fear palpable, as they hesitated to approach.

Blood dripped from my nose, and with a weary hand, I wiped it away. The weight of self-loathing bore down on me, and I subtly pushed General Serana's hands off my shoulders. The dueling ring, once a place of camaraderie, now echoed with the resounding silence of my own inner turmoil.

Walking out of the ring, I felt a wave of emotional pain and trauma wash over me. The one connection I had sought to build, with Killian, had crumbled before my eyes. It was all my fault, I chose to not push out and now he's hurt because of me. My own doing. The very act of unleashing my powers on him tore at the seams of my already fractured soul. I berated myself for agreeing to this alliance, for allowing others into the vulnerable spaces I had carefully concealed.

As I ventured out of the building, the emotional agony intensified. Every step seemed to echo the naive choices I had made, my mind tormenting me with visions of the past. Tears, unchecked, traced invisible paths down my face. I swiftly wiped them away, a futile attempt to conceal my vulnerability.

I donned the hood of my Elara tribe attire, crossing my arms tightly as if to shield myself from the world's judgment. The bystanders observed me, their whispers a haunting backdrop to my solitude. In that moment, all I wanted was to be alone, away from the accusing eyes and the repercussions of my lack of control.

Walking aimlessly, I couldn't care less about my destination. Pity for myself consumed me, a bitter taste of regret for the unintended consequences of my actions. Each step felt like an echo of my own failure, and the weight of the world pressed upon my shoulders as I navigated the lonely path, seeking solace in the shadows.

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