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As I begin to wake up, I find the unknown woman still casting spells to onto the door. The pain in my broken hands pulses through me with every movement, "Focus Kel, you got this," I whispered to myself as I slowly begin to move my hands feeling the faint energy of my magic surging within me.   "Fuck," I cry out, I summon more of my earth magic, using the ground to knock the woman unconscious.

As the door is thrown open, chaos erupts outside. My people are attacking and pushing their way in the room. Despite the agony shooting through my broken hands, I push myself to my feet, determined to join the fray.

With each step, pain intensifies but i grit my teeth and press on. I see Xander giving orders, our army of people surging forward to engage the enemy. Ignoring the searching pain in my hands, I join the fight determined to finish this.

Killian makes his way towards me, his expression filled with worry and concern, "Kel, what's wrong? Please come with me," I pulled back from his hold, and sigh. "This is my fight Killian," I insist, my voice tinged with desperation, "I have to do this, please don't hate me, okay? Just know that I love you." But he can sense something is off.

"What's wrong Kel? What is it?" How do I possibly tell him that I'm dying?, "Please, Kel, let me help," concern etched on his face.

Before I can answer, Arnoux's brutal attack sends him flying. "Killian!" I scream, the anguish in my voice echoing though the room. No, not this again.

With a primal roar, I throw myself at Arnoux, each blow driven by a burning rage that consumes me. "You bastard. You took everything from me!" I snarl between punches, my voice thick with emotions.

But Arnoux's mocking laughter only stoked the flames of my fury. "You're just like your mother's, so pathetic,"  he sneers, his words a twisted echo of my pain. "What will you do? Cry? Soon you'll be dead!" He says,

I refuse to back down, my fists racing down on him relentlessly. "Than I guess I better make this quick," I growl, my voice trembling with rage. I was done playing his stupid games.

I might die but he'll die with me.
Despite the searing pain in my broken hands, I keep striking each blow fueled by a raw, primal fury that consumes me. "Die you bastard!" I scream, my voice hoarse with emotions that I had kept in all those years, as I unleash all of my pent-up anger onto him.

"I hate you!" I scream, the words fueled by my rage, "You've taken everything from me," I keep hitting him over and over, finally letting out this pent up rage that's been consuming me for 8 years, "my brothers, my sister, my parents...."

His laughter only serves to stoke a nerve within me, "Weak, pathetic little wolf," he jeers, his voice moving and derisive.

It didn't matter that my hands were killing me from all those punches to his face, it all felt...somewhat nice, as I could feel his bones crack.

With every ounce of strength left in me, I unleash my power upon him, striking him relentlessly. "Die!" I roar, each blow punctuated by the fury raging within me.

He attempts to defend himself, but I quickly push past his feeble attempts, "Who's weak now uncle?" My determination unwavering. "You won't win, this ends here," I snarl, my voice trembling with pent up anger.
"Between you and me,"

"No Kel'enas, wait, please-" he tries to speak but he's only choking on his own blood.

As a surge of newfound power coursed through me, I seize his neck with my clawed hands. "And here I thought you were the stronger one uncle, what a shame," I growl, my grip tightening as I tear his head from his body. Blood sprays in all directions, drenching me in macabre crimson rain.

This-this is what true power rush feels like.

As I spire out his remaining flesh, I struggle to rise, feeling the weight of exhaustion bearing down on me. The eyes of everyone present seem to bore into me, and I can sense the weight of their collective gaze upon me, I've come a monster in their eyes.

Killian's approach breaks the suffocating silence, as his arms enveloping me into a tight embrace, not caring that I'm covered in blood. "It's over," he murmurs softly, offering me a sliver of solace, but Gods how I wish that was true. That it was truly done, but we're far from that.

But I shake my head, my expression haunted "No, it's not," I replied, my voice hollow, "Master,"

Before I can finish, Killian interrupts, his words cutting through the air. "She's already in handcuffs," he informs me, I feel a weight lifted from my shoulders and I could breathe.

I look around, my gaze falling upon the aftermath of my actions. Arnoix's body lies in two pieces, a grisly showcase to my fury. I stare down at my bloodied hands, the claws a stark reminder of the primal power coursing through my veins.

Meeting Killian's gaze, he whispers "It's your Wolf. It's within you now."

"You knew?" I whisper feeling a betrayed again by his actions.

"Kel-" I shook my head, truly exhausted, "Just stop,"

As Xander and Serana rush to join us, I feel the strength draining from my limbs, Serana concerned inquiry prompts me to finally admit to them all.

"I'm dying." These words hang heavy in the air, casting a shadow over what should've been a triumph of our victory but isn't.

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