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The Elara Tribe buzzed with activity as I hastily returned, a gnawing anxiety gripping my chest. My mind raced with thoughts of Kel'enas, each step fueled by an urgent need to reach her. The door to her infirmary room loomed ahead, and a sense of dread accompanied me as I pushed it open.

Entering the room, I was met with the solemn faces surrounding Kel'enas's bedside. General Serana, Taryn, Stark, Rinwick—all with eyes fixed on her, bearing the weight of concern and sorrow. The atmosphere inside the room felt heavy, charged with unspoken worry. Kel'enas lay there, seemingly unresponsive.

Approaching her, my hand trembled as I reached out to gently touch hers. The harsh reality hit me like a storm – the woman I had grown to care for deeply was in pain, and I felt a crushing helplessness.

"Kel'enas," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "You can't leave us now. We need you. I-I need you."

General Serana, her eyes mirroring the gravity of the situation, turned to me. "She's been like this for days, Killian. We don't know when or if she'll wake up. I've never seen her like this before, it's as if she's trapped inside, even my powers can't reach to her's at all."

Desperation surged through me. Losing her, the mere thought of never hearing her voice again, was too much to bear. A burning sensation stung my eyes, a mix of unshed tears and an overwhelming fear.

"She can't be gone," I muttered, almost pleading. "She promised to come back."

As worried glances exchanged among the others, the weight of the situation pressed down on me. The connection I'd formed with Kel'enas had deepened, and the prospect of losing her felt unbearable. The fear of being left alone, without the woman who had become an irreplaceable part of my life, clawed at my insides.

Amidst the quiet, Kel'enas's labored breathing became the symphony of despair, echoing the uncertainty that hung over us all.

My gaze remained fixated on Kel'enas, willing her to stir, to defy the oppressive silence that surrounded her. Each shallow breath she took seemed like a plea for something, an escape from the void she found herself in. I clenched my fists, grappling with the frustration that threatened to consume me.

General Serana placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, attempting to offer solace in the face of uncertainty. "Killian, we're doing everything we can. The healers are baffled. We just have to wait and hope she wakes up."

A sense of powerlessness gnawed at me, the realization that my abilities couldn't mend the woman I cared for. As others discussed possible causes and solutions, my mind fixated on the moments we had shared—the stolen kisses, the whispered promises. The echoes of her laughter seemed distant, replaced by the haunting stillness in the room.

Time crawled by, stretching the agony of the unknown. Stark, Taryn, and Rinwick exchanged glances, their expressions mirroring my own anxiety. Kel'enas remained a silent figure, lost in the shadows of her unconscious state.

I couldn't accept the idea of losing her. In a world where alliances were forged and broken, she had become my anchor, a connection that transcended the complexities of our tribes. The thought of her slipping away was unbearable.

As the room held its breath, a wave of determination surged through me. I couldn't stand idly by, waiting for fate to decide her future. Clenching my jaw, I vowed to find a way to bring her back, to break through the barriers that confined her to this deep slumber.

With a final lingering gaze, I left the room, a fire burning within me to unravel the mystery that held Kel'enas captive. The journey ahead was uncertain, but I was unwilling to accept a reality where she remained trapped in the shadows.

Determined to unravel the mystery shrouding Kel'enas, I ventured into the unknown, driven by an unyielding determination to bring her back from the abyss of unconsciousness. The castle corridors echoed with a quiet urgency as I sought answers, consulted healers, and delved into the ancient archives.

Days turned into nights, and my resolve flickered like a candle battling the encroaching darkness. The whispers of doubt clawed at the edges of my determination, but the image of Kel'enas's face, serene yet distant, fueled the flame that refused to be extinguished.

One evening, weary and disheartened, I found myself standing in the courtyard beneath the moon's silver glow. A gentle breeze carried the scent of Elara's flowers, a melancholy reminder of the vibrant life that lingered within the castle walls.

As I gazed at the stars, a faint voice reached me—a whisper, soft and ethereal. Turning, I saw a shadow near the entrance, and my heart quickened with hope. It was General Serana, her eyes reflecting both weariness and a spark of anticipation.

"I've found something," she murmured, leading me to a secluded chamber. Ancient scrolls and mystical symbols adorned the walls, creating an atmosphere of both secrecy and revelation.

Together, we immersed ourselves in the arcane knowledge, seeking a key to unlock the barriers imprisoning Kel'enas's consciousness. As the night unfolded, a plan began to take shape—a perilous journey into the realm between reality and dreams, where the answers we sought might lie.

The castle seemed to hold its breath, unaware of the imminent risk we were about to undertake. With a shared glance, General Serana and I prepared for the daring venture into the unknown, driven by a shared commitment to bring back the Thundar queen from the veiled depths of her slumber.

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