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The Elara Tribe welcomed us with a tapestry of illusions that played with the senses. As we approached their grand castle, the air was filled with the gentle whispers of enchantment, leaving the echoes of our journey trailing behind.

The maids of Elara, dressed in flowing robes, guided us to the stables where our tired horses would find respite. The promise of a warm bath and hearty meals beckoned to the others, but I remained silent, my thoughts swirling like a tempest.

General Serana approached, her eyes revealing a concern that mirrored her unwavering loyalty. "Are you okay my Queen?"

She asked, and I mustered a small smile that failed to reach my weary eyes. I insisted she go ahead, needing a moment alone in the labyrinth of my own thoughts.

Prince Remington, eager for the comforts within the castle, suggests we move swiftly. Lars, always the peacemaker, chimes in with a laugh, "Patience, Rem, the baths won't run away."

Kieran, seemingly restless, scans the surroundings and utters a concerned remark, "Strange feeling in these woods, watch your step."

Once the illusion of solitude surrounded me, I ran my hands through my face, feeling the weight of the journey etched into my bones. Exhaustion gnawed at me, and my muscles screamed for rest. The distant sounds of laughter and chatter reached me, a stark reminder of the camaraderie I yearned for yet couldn't fully embrace.

Then, I felt him—Killian's presence disrupting my solitude. Annoyance flared within me. It wasn't long before Killian's presence disrupted my isolation. "Why can't you leave me alone?" I called him out on his seemingly unrelenting proximity. He approached cautiously, gauging my fatigue.

"Why won't you allow yourself a moment of respite?" he inquired, concerned etched his eyes, walking on eggshells around my apparent exhaustion.
"Killian do you ever know when to shut it?" My frustrations erupted in a torrent of words, the burdens of expectations and the relentless pressure to be unwaveringly strong pouring out.

I cast an illusion, enveloping us in a bubble of soundproof silence. Within this intimate cocoon, I spoke of the responsibilities that weighed on me since the tragic loss of my family. "Ever since I've been 11, it has been my duty to protect and look after my people, and if I don't I'm weak, a half wit....it has been my role, since the death of not only those that I love but also my people.....I can't-can't be weak in front of them." Tears traced down my cheeks as I revealed the constant pressure to be an unyielding pillar of strength.

As I recount the weight on my shoulders, Killian listens attentively, offering words of understanding rather than empty reassurances. The silence between us feels comforting.

"Strength isn't always in solitude," Killian states, his voice gentle. I appreciate his sincerity. The silence between us deepens, interrupted only by the rustling of leaves.

He reaches out, his hand resting on my scarred cheek, a gesture of support. Vulnerability grips me, and I pull away, maintaining the fortress around my emotions. The illusion lifts, and the sounds of the surroundings return.

"I think we should go." I state formally as I looked down at my feet, unable to look him in the eye.

"Of course."

As we approach the castle, Killian walks by my side. He gestures towards the quarters, informing me of the arrangement.

"On you left is General Serana, the others are down the hall, I'm right across from you." We stood there for quite a moment side by side, as equal.

I feel his eyes on me and I look up at his eye dark eyes that holds a slight hint of sliver to it, and feel it again, just like last night, the warmth that only he carries within him. "I think I should go." "Me too."

I opened my door and waited til he was at his door and looked back to him and with a half-smile, I express gratitude for his unexpected solace. His silent promise lingers as we enter the illusion-woven fortress, where destinies await shaping.

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