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The morning sun bathed the courtyard of Elara Castle in a warm glow as we gathered for our departure. I stood among my companions, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension as we prepared to set out on our journey.

General Serana's words echoed in my mind, filling me with determination. "Today, we embark on a journey that will shape the fate of our nations. Together, we will stand against tyranny and fight for freedom."

Beside me, the four Wolfkin exuded confidence, their presence a reminder of the strength we carried within us. I nodded in agreement, my resolve firm. "Our goal is clear: to reach Sythra and rally their support for our cause. With unity and strength, we will prevail."

As we prepared to leave, I exchanged glances with Killian, his unwavering gaze a source of comfort. "We trust in your leadership, General Serana," he said, his voice steady. "We will work tirelessly to strengthen our alliance and prepare for the battles ahead."

Stark, standing tall beside his siblings, spoke with conviction. "Our journey may be fraught with challenges, but together, we will overcome them. Our cause is just, and our resolve unwavering."

Master, her presence a calming influence amidst the tension, offered words of encouragement. "Stay true to your purpose, and may the spirits guide your path. We will await your return with hope in our hearts."

As we bid farewell to our nation and tribe, I felt a surge of determination coursing through me. Clad in my armor, I stood ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, my heart filled with the hope of a brighter future.

With one last glance at our comrades, we set out on our journey to Sythra. The path ahead was uncertain, but with courage and determination, we would forge ahead, united in our quest for freedom.

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