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As the days went on by General Serana, Master and Stark were the first to leave the safe house and look for both food and anyone in the Sythra tribe who is willing to fight against Admiral Arnoux and the Wolfkin whom are in this tribe.

"Anything?" I asked excitedly, "No, it's like these people keep to themselves most of the time, beside beg of course." I slapped Stark shoulder as I take in what he was able to bring in with him. "They don't have a choice." I replied. "How about I go with one of you guys?" Everyone in the room turned around to stare, "What? I have my illusion, no one will know. Half the time you guys don't remember it's me anyways."

"That's different, it might slip off and get you in trouble." Prince Remington replied as he and the other three Wolfkin got ready to leave for their daily Wolfkin army meeting that they have. "When will you guys be back?" I was getting bored of staying in this house.

"In a few days, our presence is needed. In the higher ups, there was an outbreak in the capital-" Kieran added, "He means riot took place....and we need to find out who was behind it." Killian replied as he stepped closer to me.

"But we'll be back before you know it." He adds as I nodded, "Come on lover boy, you'll see her very soon. And remember you guys please don't take her out without the illusion." Lars adds in as they prepare to leave.


The next day dawned bright and clear, a stark contrast to the heavy atmosphere that hung over the city of Sythra. As we made our way through the bustling streets, Stark, General Serana, and I kept a watchful eye on our surroundings, alert for any signs of trouble.

We soon came across a man standing on a street corner, his voice raised in passionate protest against Admiral Arnoux and the Wolfkin's dominance over the Sythra tribe. He was surrounded by a small group of onlookers, their faces reflecting a mixture of anger and desperation.

Approaching cautiously, we listened as the man handed out flyers for a rally that was to take place later that day. Stark stepped forward, his voice firm as he addressed the man. "What is this rally about?"

The man regarded us with a mixture of suspicion and hope. "It's a gathering to unite against Arnoux's tyranny and the oppression of the Wolfkin, it's almost 9 years since the war started and he has pushed the people of Sythra to the side as if we are nothing, that's why the Resistance was created, enough is enough my brother and sisters," he explained, his words tinged with defiance.

General Serana's eyes gleamed with interest as she studied the flyer in her hand. "Who organized this rally?" she inquired, her tone measured.

The man hesitated for a moment before responding. "It's the work of our leader," he replied, his voice filled with reverence. "He's been rallying support against Arnoux for months, trying to bring our people together to fight back against the injustices we've endured."

A spark of hope ignited within me as I exchanged glances with Stark and General Serana. Could this leader be the ally we had been searching for? The one who would stand with us in our fight against Arnoux and the Wolfkin?

"We're be there, thank you for the invitation, brother." I replied with a small smile.

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