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Under the bright rays of the sun, our journey to the Elara Tribe unfolded. Killian took the lead, his silhouette distinct against the sunlit sky. Clad in the regal hues of red and gold, I trailed behind, flanked by the formidable presence of the army's General. The vibrant colors of my attire cascaded like a river, flowing to cover my form in the warmth of the sunny day.

An uneasy silence hung in the air, intermittently interrupted by the rhythmic beat of hooves against the earth. The Wolfkin men, attired in earthy tones, rode in stoic silence. It was Killian who ventured to break the ice, urging his horse closer to mine.

"Your Highness," he addressed, his voice a low murmur. "I hope the sun's embrace treats you well."

I turned to him, meeting his eyes briefly. "The sun's warmth may touch the skin, but shadows persist."

General Serana, ever vigilant, maintained her composure, her gaze scanning the sunlit surroundings. Tension simmered beneath the surface as the vibrant colors played against the blue sky.

"Are there any royals in your tribe? Or did your Admiral Arnoux kill them all as well?" "Serana" I warned her before it got out of hand. "If he says 'Your Highness' again I think I'll able to finally die." I chuckled, General Serana had ways with words, but for those who never been around her as long as I have would say that she's been rude or unprofessional.

"Are your people always outspoken and rude?" I turn slightly to see whom had committed and it was Kieran.

The camaraderie between the General and the Wolfkin men took an unexpected turn as playful banter escalated into a heated exchange. Insults flared like sparks, igniting a powder keg of tempers under the sunlit day. The air crackled with animosity, threatening to unleash chaos.

"Your General seems quite resilient," Killian remarked, his eyes flitting toward the unfolding conflict.

"She's a capable leader," I replied, my voice measured. "But even leaders have their limits. And I don't like how your men are insulting us."

"Maybe we should-" "Oh please you're an unpleasant bitter woman, who has done not but bitch about my tribe, but let ask you this where was the Thundar when countless men and women bagged for your leader to let them in? Huh? You're nothing but a coward." Kieran, the black-haired Wolfkin, directed a comment at General Serana that not only struck a raw nerve to her but also to me, how dear this beast insult my people? A seething anger crept into the General Serana's eyes, causing her blades unsheathed in readiness for conflict.

"Normally, I don't hit women," Kieran remarked with a malicious smirk, "but for you, I might make an exception." "If you're man enough as you say fight me than you beast." General Serana yelled back in retaliation.

The threat hung heavy in the air, prompting the General to prepare for a confrontation. Unwilling to let the situation escalate further, I stepped forward, my powers of elemental control intertwining with the sunlit surroundings.

As the roots of the ancient trees responded to my command, Kieran was yanked from his saddle and sent crashing to the ground. The abrupt intervention stunned the Wolfkin, their anger redirected toward me. Killian stepped forward, a calming influence in the storm.

"Enough!" he exclaimed, positioning himself between me and the incensed Wolfkin. His attempt to reach out and touch my arm was met with a swift evasion. Ignoring the tension lingering in the sunlit air, I signaled to General Serana, and we withdrew from the brewing conflict.

"Your diplomatic skills are quite impressive," Killian remarked, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Survival often demands adaptability," I replied cryptically, casting a lingering glance back at the Wolfkin men. As I walked away with General Serana.

"I am sorry my Queen, but I couldn't set still while they insulted us." She adds as she steers towards the Wolfkin men.

"You cannot let him get under your skin like that Serana...Here." I grabbed her hand to heal her wound that she didn't even notice since she was ready to fight the Wolfkin. "I didn't even- I'm sorry."

"It's okay Serana. It'll take time to learn to trust them and for them to trust us." "You'll right."

"Now that you're cooled down a little, we can go back to our beast friends out there." I added with a sarcastic smile.

As the sun witnessed our retreat, shadows whispered tales of unity entangled with the complexities of tribal dynamics. The journey continued, marked by the delicate dance of alliances and the secrets concealed beneath the sun's watchful gaze

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