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As I sit on the edge of the bed, Serana's sooting magic washes over me, easing the tension in my muscles. Xander's words about a door in my mind linger in my thoughts like an ominous shadow, casting a veil of uncertainty over my mind.

"What do you mean a door? In my mind? How is that possible?" I finally manage to voice, my tone tinged with a mix of appreciation and curiosity.
Xander's expression shift, his gaze filled with a mix of concern and hesitation. "I sensed a barrier, a place that seemed closed off to me when we were fighting, it was like a door, locked and hidden away," he explains his voice tinged with uncertainty.

I swallowed hard, feeling a lot forming in the pit of my stomach. A door in my mind? What could it possibly signify? Fear grips me as I contemplate the implications of Xander's words. Could it be related to my powers? My spasming?

Serana's healing touch grounds me, offering a sense of reassurance amidst set storm of uncertainty. "Hey, it's okay. We're here and we'll figure it out, together." She assured me, her voice a comforting presence in the midst of my turmoil.

I nod, a sense of determination rising within me. Whatever lies beyond that door, i will confront it when the time's right.

The atmosphere around the table is tense as we discuss the potential allies in our fight against Admiral Arnoux.
"A lot of the revolutionary members are more than happy to help out anyway that that they." Xander's comments, offering a glimmer of hope. "Does your army know your true identity?" Remington's question hangs heavily in the air, casting doubt on our plans.

"No they don't." Xander quietly answers. Feeling a surge of solidarity with my brother, I reach out and grasp his hand, offering him silent support through all of this. It's not just hard on us but also hard on his members, they feel as like they were betrayed once he tells them the whole truth.
Despite the uncertainty surrounding his past and his sudden appearance in Sythra, I'm grateful for his presence and determination to fight alongside us.

After some more talks, we decided that it'll be better to plan for a rally to occur tomorrow. Xander prepares to leave to set things in motion for the event for tomorrow. Before he manages to leave, he pulls me to the side, "Can we please talk?" I nod as we begin to walk towards the door.

Killian's gaze meets me and I assure him that this is needed. I need to talk to my brother. I can't avoid it forever.

As we step outside into the darkness near the horses, Xander begins with an apology. "I just....I just wanted to apologize, I know that what I did to you is unacceptable and.....I hate seeing you like this, hurt because of me....because of my doings, I-" I grabbed his hand and look up at him with a small smile.

"It's alright, Alexander, it's alright.....I am glade that least one brother of mine is still alive." He gives me a surprise look, oh Gods....he didn't know.
"Orion?" I simply nod with sadness, to think that he's no longer here with us.

"He died a week after the attack on our tribe," although it has been 8 years and half since the attack on all the tribe, it's always hard talking about that day....about the impact that it has left on not only our tribe but also our family.

"I was unconscious after the attack occurred, and when I awoke, I had to....bury him and burn his stuff..... And mom's.....yours. Everyone was gone, and everyone looked up to me.....I was the only one of our family left."

"Calliope?" I shook my head, she was his best friend, "I don't know if she's alive still," a heavy sigh that I didn't know I was holding escaped me.
"It all happened so fast Xander, it's just bits and pieces in my head, once my powers had activated......the only thing I remember is killing half of Arnoux's man, and him giving me this." I touch the ever lasting gift I received the day.

I stepped back as he tries to touch me and I just look down at my hands. "I sorry, it's just.....I hate physical touch. It's been 8 years since I last let someone touch me, and Arnoux.....he-" "It's okay, can't imagine being only 11 and waking up and having to bury and burn our stuff and taking over a whole kingdom.....I am sorry."

"I am sorry that I wasn't there for you."

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