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As we waited in the crowd, anticipation hung thick in the air, mingling with the fervor of those gathered around us. The sun beat down mercilessly, casting harsh shadows over the sea of faces before us.

Suddenly, a hush fell over the crowd as a figure stepped onto the makeshift stage, his presence commanding attention. He wore a mask adorned with the colors of all the tribes, concealing his face but not his determination. His voice rang out clear and strong as he began to address the assembled crowd, his words filled with passion and conviction.

I exchanged a knowing glance with Stark and General Serana, a sense of hope stirring within me. This was the man we had been searching for, the one who would help us rally more allies to our cause.

The masked man's words resonated with the crowd, igniting a fire of determination within each of us. As he spoke of unity and resistance against oppression, I felt a surge of adrenaline course through my veins.

Once the rally had concluded, Stark, General Serana, and I made our way through the dispersing crowd, determined to speak with the masked man. As we approached him, I couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence for the figure who had inspired so many with his words.

"Excuse me," Stark began, his voice steady as he addressed the masked man. "We couldn't help but be moved by your speech. We share your desire to fight against injustice and oppression."

The masked man turned to face us, his eyes shining with determination. "And who might you be?" he inquired, his voice muffled by the mask.

"We are allies," General Serana replied, her tone firm. "We seek to unite our tribes against a common enemy."

"I have no interest in joining forces with you," he declared coldly, his voice tinged with disdain. "You do not belong here in Sythra."

I felt a surge of confusion and frustration wash over me. "But why?" I pressed, struggling to understand his refusal. "Surely, if you seek peace for your people, you would see the benefit of joining together for a greater good."

The masked man merely shook his head, his expression unreadable behind the colorful mask. "I have my reasons," he replied cryptically. "Now leave, before you overstay your welcome."

With that, he turned on his heel and walked away, leaving us standing there in disbelief. Stark, General Serana, and I exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what to make of the encounter. It seemed that our hopes of gaining a powerful ally in Sythra had been dashed, leaving us to ponder our next move in our fight against Admiral Arnoux.

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