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As everyone sits anxiously, waiting for news from the healer, a heavy silence hangs over the room. My thoughts are consumed by a whirlwind of emotions, guilt gnawing at me relentlessly. The memory of Kel'enas' disappointed gaze when I told her that it was her wolf within the surface, weighs heavily on my conscious. I knew so much, yet I kept it all hidden from her.

'No more lies right,' I betrayed her, and the trust that she had in me, over and over again. 'This was it,'

Suddenly, Xander springs up and lunges at Remington, fist flying in a blur of anger and frustration. I want to intervene, to stop their fight but a sense of helplessness roots me to my seat.

My silence feels like a deafening roar as I watch the chaos unfold, my heart heavy with remorse. Stark and Serana rush to restrain Xander, while Remington bloodied, "What the hell was that for?" Remington demands to know the reason for the sudden attack.

Xander scoffs as his voice cuts through the tendon, "We trusted you and your tribe, we basically put all of our trust into your hands, and for what? Huh! For you all to keep secrets? Information about my sister?" The accusation hangs in the air, thick with unresolved tension and unspoken truths.

We should've told them all the truth, Xander is right to be angry. They all are. "Xander, we wanted to, but could you and your people really help if you knew where Nyra was without going to war with us?" Remington tries to explain but it was Serana's action that I would've never thought she could do.

She walks up to Remington and pouches him, over and over as he tries to push her away but she's using her magic onto him. "You bastards," she screams, as she's breathing heavily, her body shaking as she begins to cry, and that's when Xander pulls her into his arms.

"We give up everything for your plans, we left our lands, our homes...." she sighs as she hugs him tightly, "All you did was keep important details from us, we risked our lives. Kel'enas risked her life for your people, for all of us, and she might die," she was right, all Kel wanted was honesty and truth. Yet we all failed to give her the two things she wanted the most.

"You have to understand, Nyra and I-" Remington tried to defend himself but Xander cuts him off, "Her name is Calliope, not Nyra."

"Just hope and pray that my little sister makes it out of there alive.....if not this all would've been for nothing," Xander adds as he caresses Serana's back. "Is that a threat?" Lars finally asks,

"It's a warning, Thundar doesn't work with liars." I feel the weight of my guilt pressing down on me as arguments descales. Unable to bear the burden of my silence any longer, I rise quietly from my seat and slip away, leaving behind the turmoil of their confrontation.

As I walk away, the echoes of their voices faded into the distance, but the weight of my guilt remains a constant reminder of the choices I've made..... I should've told her regardless of the promises that I made to my pack.

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