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"Oh shit. Like junior high black out? What happened?"

JJ hung his head using his still dripping hair to hopefully block John B's view of his face.

"Where were you? There was a moment I thought DCS got you and I—" John B slid in front of him and cut him off.

"JJ, stop. I'll tell you about it later. Please, don't push me away." John B pushed his hair out of his face. The sight made him gasp. He held JJ's face between his hands while his mouth fell agape. "JJ..."

"A lot has happened while you were gone, John B." JJ's eyes watered again. A low sob wracked his chest and made his stomach do twists. "Uh... god where do I even start?" JJ moved John B's hands away from his face and turned away for a second.

"JJ, your ring—"

"Oh right. Um... so Pope and I kinda got into some shit with Rafe and Topper. When I pulled the gun on Topper, he and Rafe kinda got it in their heads that they could harass Pope. So he got beat up initially."


"I was gonna go handle it my way when Pope basically takes the reigns and fucking goes awol. Sinks Toppers Wakesetter and then tells me not to tell anyone. Oh sh- don't let him know I told you. So I'm all beaming from finally getting him to go awol when Rafe basically jumps us at the OBX movie night. Kie forced us to go. I know she feels bad about it. Rafe breaks my arm and steals all my rings. I lost my shit and scared him shitless."

"Rafe stole your ring? Pope sunk the Wakesetter?"

"John B, don't hold your mouth open like that, you'll catch flies. Yes. So, Pope gets arrested."

John B fell back onto his butt. His eyes wider than JJ had ever seen them. That— that broke his mind.

"And, I'm like, I can't let him take that knowing that he was gonna lose his scholarship and his dad's approval. So now I owe restitution from taking his place and my dad's gonna kill me for it."

"Holy shit. No fucking wonder you blacked out. What the fuck, JJ."

They just sat there in silence for a moment. Letting it all soak in. Before JJ spilled the most insane revelation to John B. All at once, JJ's heartbeat sped up and John B's breath stopped. "I think the blood is my dad's." He didn't make eye contact with John B when he said it. His hands shook and he wanted nothing more than to just disappear. That feeling in his stomach threatened to make him throw up again.

"Oh." John B parked the Pogue and pulled JJ off with him. "Come on."

"We should just dip."

"Okay, where do you wanna go?" His voice was soft. JJ thought for a moment. Unsure since his first thought was Florida unsurprisingly.

"Yucatán. Surf all day, and then we can just live off lobsters we catch with our bare hands."

"You don't wanna check if your dad is still alive?"

"Hell no. I've seen enough horror movies and stuff to know that if I'm right, I'm gonna have nightmares for the rest of my life and then die. No thanks."

"You don't wanna help me find the gold?"

"The gold? Again, dude? You're back on your bullshit. Did you know when I was in holding, Peterkin went on about how dangerous this little treasure hunt was. I told her you weren't on it anymore. But clearly I was wrong."

"So that's it?"

"You didn't see the dead grouper photos, bro!"

"Yeah but think about it. If they're willing to kill for the gold that means they haven't found it yet. It's gotta be out there."

"Oh my god! Have you lost your mind?!" JJ got in John B's face. "When are you gonna get it through your thick skull, if you keep going down this road, you're gonna end up like your dad!" Now, that was uncalled for. JJ regretted it as soon as he said it. John B shoved him and granted he deserved it, it didn't lessen the blow of knowing him and John B weren't on the same page anymore.

"The last time I saw him, we got in an argument. Then he took all our rent money and dipped for this Royal Merchant. I told him he was a shit father. And you know how the rest goes." JJ stared at the ground.

"Bro, that wasn't your fault."

"It doesn't matter who's fault it is. Do you not understand that? I can't give up on the hunt. Not when the gold could bring my dad back. I don't care who's out there trying to kill us. Or the little war you and Pope started with Rafe and Topper. It doesn't matter if it's out there. It could literally solve all our problems. Especially yours." John B walked away. JJ clenched his jaw and watched. "Look, I'm sorry it's not what you wanna hear right now. And for yelling at you. I've got a plan and well... I know you don't owe me anything after the shitshow you just went through but if it's really out there, isn't it worth it to find it? You could get your life back, JJ."

"I gave up getting it back a long time ago, bro. I'm not getting any high hopes on this."

"It's four hundred million, JJ. Are you with me?"

"I don't think I really have a choice."

John B cracked a smirk and jumped back on the Pogue. "We gotta stop and get you some clean clothes though, cause I'm pretty sure if anyone saw you they'd think you were a zombie."

"I feel like a zombie, bro."

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