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John B had taken up making some form of food for the Pogues plus Topper. They collectively scraped together enough cash for two boxes of Velveeta shells and one of those twenty packs of the good hot dogs that didn't taste like cardboard thanks to Topper offering to help them splurge.

Kie had texted Sarah about needing to talk with them about serious shit which managed to receive an upside down smiley face emoji in response. She sat idly at the table with her feet up.

JJ had calmed down a significant amount since John B was in the process of trying to feed him (and the others but mostly him). Plus Pope hadn't left his side. Continuously rubbing circles with his thumb wherever his hands managed to make contact with his skin.

"So, uh..." Topper was sitting across from Pope and JJ on one of the other chairs. "Lemme know if this is too personal, uh, but, uh... what exactly is your curse? Like you keep saying it's dangerous and stuff. Ruined your life which I get after y'know," he motioned to his sides hesitantly. "that whole mess."

Pope looked over at JJ. Who was absentmindedly meddling with the hem of his sweatshirt. One particular strand wrapping around his finger over and over again.

Clearing he was too engrossed in trying to cut off the circulation to his finger tip so Pope nudged him with his knuckle against his shoulder.

"Hmm?" JJ whipped his head up to face Pope. Glancing at his mouth for a second before furrowing his brow and gazing into his eyes.

"Uh," Topper cleared his throat nervously, "It's okay if it's too personal but I just wanted to know what your curse was. Since you've said it's—"

"I'm a werewolf." JJ deadpanned. Still peering rather deeply into Pope's eyes. Pope's eyes widened as he said that. "Not like, actually. It's a bit more complicated but essentially that's the..." he paused. Closing his eyes and tilting his head back to lay against the couch cushion. "...easiest way to put it. Got into my bloodstream so, I'm kinda fucked." He chuckled.

Topper was silent for a good few minutes. His demeanor was saturated by the fact that he was clenching every muscle in his body so hard it looked like he was fighting off the urge to tear his skin off. "Gonna be honest," he blew out a breath slowly, "—wasn't expecting that."

"A bit hard to believe." JJ stated as if he was insinuating Topper would follow in Sarah's footsteps and live in disbelief until he inevitably had to out himself.

"Not really. The Manor Key protects those it touches. So it makes sense that you'd gain attributes that could adequately protect you if it came to it. But like actually, a werewolf? Does the moon have any sway on it?" Topper leaned in resting his elbows on his knees. Placing both pointer fingers against his lips.

"Nah. It's tied to whether I feel threatened or something. From what we've gathered, I can't stop it once it's activated. Slow it down maybe but if I try to stop it... it... uh, I black out. Which really sucks because I've been in situations where I wasn't even in danger and it still... it still took over and..." JJ squeezed his fist. Careful not to tense the one Pope had clasped in his. "well, I—"

"You can stop it. You just need to calm down first. Feel like you're safe." Pope spoke in a hushed voice. JJ found his eyes again. Barring that I-can't-believe-you-know-this look that sometimes makes Pope want to scream. This was one of those times.

Topper nodded. Obviously deep in thought. Probably trying to figure out how to process everything.

JJ took in a deep breath through his nose, crackling slightly from his still healing ribs. Pope adjusted so that his nose was practically touching JJ's as they stared at each other with their heads resting against the back of the pull-out in couch mode.

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