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"Yeah. There's this old legend my father told me about it. He said that this key was used to unlock the Manor door and provide otherworldly protection to those that reside inside. Claiming that the power that the key had was—"

"Is she telling you about the Manor legends?" Hearing his voice suddenly appear from behind them caused John B to jump.

"Hi, dad. Yeah. I was just telling him about how cool you tried to make the key sound when I was a kid. Like magic and—"

"It's all a bunch of bogus obviously." Ward stepped into the study with his hands behind his back.

"Yeah, I know, dad. I just thought it'd be cool to tell him about it. Since you were so adamant about telling me the fun stories when I was a kid." She chuckled.

Ward sat on the corner of his desk. He scratched at the back of his neck and sighed.

"Yeah sure. Okay, so the original legend goes that the owner of Tannyhill had it made to make the Manor a protective haven for those who lived inside. The key itself was used to cast a protective ward on the property. Claiming no outside threats could lay harm to those that touched the key. Later on it was buried and Tannyhill fell so the next owner dug it up to revive the defenses. It's said that those who use the key cannot harm those it touches. And those that choose to harm those it touches shall not be given the ability to do so. I just thought it was a neat little artifact to keep around. You know, just in case it's like a lucky item. I'm a little superstitious myself. Since Tannyhill fell the last time it went missing, I decided to keep it safe here. Plus it's just a cool looking key. Great for decor."

"Is it made of gold?" John B asked. His heart was pounding in his ears.

"Yeah." Ward narrowed his eyes on him. Speaking slowly. "Sweetheart, could you give me a moment with the new inmate?" He asked curtly.

"Sure. Be nice to John B, dad." She said sweetly as she walked out of the room.

"I'll be nice. I promise." He turned back to John B. "How're you doing? How's the arm?"

"Just sprained I think. Feeling better."

"You're a lucky kid, y'know that? If you'd landed any other way it could've been your back, both your legs. I'm half amazed you got out of it with just a concussion."

"Yeah I'm super lucky."

"Right, so one other thing. I know she's giving you a tour right now, so I'm not trying to squash her toes but I noticed she took one of the old maps for you last night." Ward scratched at his chin for a second. "I'm sorry, I just have to ask. You're not chasing pots of gold like your old man, are you, John B?"

That's what set off John B's first red flag. He cocked his head to the side, playing it off. "Look, Ward... uh, Sarah just told me you guys had these cool old maps. I just wanted to see them. I'm kind of a history buff myself, and uh...that, I guess I got that from my dad." He looked Ward straight in the eye.

Ward nodded and smiled. "Makes sense." He paused for a moment. "Uh, I'm sure you won't mind but after today, I know this is cliche of me, but if you could stay out of my office, I'd really appreciate it. It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that there are some... things in here that I would rather keep private."

"Sure, yes, of course. I understand."

"Thank you, really. Um, enjoy the rest of the tour. I hope Sarah talks your ear off with all the information she's got swirling around up in there." He chuckled. John B matched his chuckle.

"I'm sure she will."

"Also, John B, just take it easy the next few days. You've been through a lot, yeah?" Ward walked out from the room making space for Sarah to fly back in. Her face lit up even more since she left the room.

"I can't wait to show you my room." She whispered to him.

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