Please Don't Run Away Again

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Pope's outstretched hand slipped back to his side as he watched JJ bolt from the Chateau. Disappointment burned in his lungs.

JJ was still quite fast despite his injuries. Fast enough to outrun Pope before he even had a chance to react.

"JJ!" He called after him. Cupping his hands around his mouth. Frantically stepping out into the backyard. "JJ!" But he'd disappeared into the shrubbery of the Chateau's property before Pope even got through the door. "Fuck."

"What the hell? Isn't he still healing?" Kie said, concerned.

Pope turned to give her a confirming look before darting out in the direction he'd figured JJ had run off to. Towards Figure Eight.

His lungs burned when he finally caught sight of him. Standing just off the side of Mr. Hawlis's driveway, peaking out at his yard to check and make sure he wasn't on his porch. Pope pushed himself further, huffing terribly fast. Like he'd just swallowed hot coals.

"JJ." He said in an urgent hushed voice while making his way behind him.

JJ hung his head. Letting go of the siding before turning his face to meet Pope's eyeline. Technically still facing toward Mr. Hawlis's yard. His eyes were covered by the wisps of his sun bleached bangs. "Why'd you follow me?"

Pope shook his head once trying to figure out if he was joking. "You know why, JJ."

"Right." His voice fumed with coarse jabs of indifference. "Still tryna talk about my burdens and sharing , huh?" JJ twisted his head back toward the yard.

"No—well, yes, but no." Pope took a deep breath before stepping flush against the side of JJ's form. His hand snaking around the fabric of the sweater sleeve JJ had insisted on wearing earlier to hide the bandages. "We love you, JJ. And going after Ward by yourself isn't going to solve anything.

"I could kill him. By myself."

"You've done enough by yourself." Pope wrapped his hand around JJ's wrist which was shaking slightly from being pushed against the siding to keep his balance. He didn't pull away.

"Pope—don't. Don't do that. Stop—"

"What? Caring? Is that what you're trying to say? That you don't want me—us to care about you?" JJ whipped his hand out of Pope's grip, shoving it into the pocket of his cargo shorts, shooting him a look that was way too similar to the look he got when he was fighting the urge to cry.

"If you come with me, I can't protect you."

"Why the fuck not, JJ?"

He kept his lips shut. His eyes shining with what Pope could only describe as despair.

"JJ." Saying it with that urgency made him flinch and his eyes to grow wide before unfocusing.

"I'm—" sorry. JJ cut himself off to tear his gaze away from him.

"So, what? That's your plan? Trigger it and then leave it to the blackout to kill him so you can't be held accountable? You've had some really dumb idea's, JJ. This is beyond that."

"It's not like that. Y'all wouldn't be in this mess if I hadn't roped you guys in. So I'm being responsible for once and taking care of the problem before John B gets himself killed."

"JJ, how many times do I need to spell it out for you?" Pope practically hissed.

"Spell what out?" JJ replied, defensively.

Pope reached his hand around JJ's shoulder. Forcing his back against the siding to face him. The motion earned a low growl from the back of JJ's throat that he rather conspicuously tried to cover up with a cough. "You're a fucking idiot. You know? I didn't think I could make it any more clear. Jesus, JJ." Pope bunched JJ's sweater in his hand. He leaned in slowly, staring at him.

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