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Tw: blood, mentions self harm

John B entered through the door to the Chateau expecting only Pope since Heyward's truck was in the driveway. What he didn't expect was to see Sarah's ex boyfriend chilling on his couch.

Sarah wasn't expecting to see Topper either.

Topper stood up, surprise and embarrassment pulling at his eyebrows. He hung his mouth open and his arms up. "I-I swear. It's not what it looks like." He said as if John B had caught him kissing someone.

John B's face contorted with confusion. He gestured to Topper's shirt which happened to be one of his and to the dried blood splotches on his arms where he'd forgotten to wash. "Uhh..."

"JJ needed hel—" Topper started. He didn't get to finish before John B bolted to the room. Dropping everything he was carrying onto the floor.

" JJ !"

He rounded the corner, panic stricken. Mentally preparing himself for the worst within the two seconds he wasted on his feet. Barely even taking a breath as he took three extremely large steps toward his father's room.

His eyes landed on a sleeping JJ. He had his back turned to the door. Obscuring the view. Pope was rubbing his back soothingly.

"JJ." Desperation stung his throat.

"John B, he's not even awake." Pope whispered.

John B's stomach sunk when his eyes landed on the bloody towels that were under JJ's sleeping form. Without even thinking, he ran his hands over the fabric. Muttering a few prayers despite not believing in any deities. Maybe they'd listen just this once. If only to garner a loyal follower if his heart's plea was met.

"What happened?" John B asked under his breath. Not having the control to speak louder.

"What do you think happened? We all warned him. Dumbass decided to go to his dad's like that ever went well." Pope was choking on fresh tears. "He hasn't woken up yet. Since he passed out on Topper's golf cart."

"What? Where was he?"

"Kildare park. The Kook side. Didn't know how he got there."

"He blackout again?" It was taking more strength than he had to control his voice. Fingers trembling as he fiddled with the blankets Pope had draped over him.

"Duh, John B."

"Fuck. I gotta give him his ring back."

"You can't. Your head, John B. You know what will happen if you take it off now."

"Yeah. I do. But at least he's not gonna fucking kill himself!"

" Guys— "

John B whipped his head from Pope to JJ.


"You guys—are being so... loud." JJ croaked out. Moving his arm around to his head to block his ears. Wincing as the tension pulled at his stitches. "What the hell." He whispered.

"Holy shit, JJ." Pope said. Standing up.

JJ let out a devastatingly high pitched groan as he attempted to sit up.

"Hey! Woah woah woah woah, JJ. Stop." John B pushed his hand against JJ's shoulder to keep him on the bed. Getting him to face him. John B's mouth hung open in horror as he saw JJ's face. "Oh... JJ ."

"I need to—" JJ said hoarsely. Pushing John B's hand away. "—to go."

"You're hurt really badly, bro."

"No— no. You don't—" JJ took in a deep breath. His chest wheezed with crackles. A violent stream of coughs followed. He sat up from the bed, leaning his head over the side.

"Jesus! Pope, can you grab the trash can?" John B sat at JJ's side, pulling his hair out of his face as he heaved. "That's it buddy, let it out." With an open hand, he rubbed JJ's back, patting it gently.

Pope tossed a trash can at John B. Just as a dribble of spit and blood dripped from JJ's mouth. He was practically choking on air at this point. Gasping with each breath. Gripping the sheets of Big John's bed as he did so.

John B mouthed at Pope, Luke?

Pope's lips grew thin and he nodded once before looking down at his hands.

"I gotta—go, John B."

JJ shifted under the blankets at a speed that couldn't have been comfortable. He pushed John B out of his way with a grimace etched into his face. Accentuating the long cuts lining his cheek.

He took a step forward using the wall to steady himself. John B grabbed his head. Tangling his fingers in JJ's hair. "Hey! Hey, you're in no condition to leave." JJ's head lobbed to the side. His legs giving out from under him. "Fuck."

"He's lost so much blood."

John B managed to get him back on the bed. Watching as in his out of it state he swiveled onto his side, digging his head into the crumpled mound of blankets he'd thrown off of himself earlier. Wrapping his arms around his torso in as tight a hug he could muster with his ribs screaming at him to stop moving so much.

Pope left the room again for a moment. Only coming back with a glass of water and two extra strength off brand Tylenol to see John B playing with JJ's hair again.

"I brought some painkillers if he's up for taking them."

John B just sighed. Concern pooling within the salty tears he wasn't even trying to hide anymore. "Why didn't he call me?" His voice broke halfway through with a small sob.

"He was really out of it, John B."

"God Damnit." John B slammed his fist against the bed. "I have a fishing thing I have to do with Ward tomorrow. Pope, I can't ditch. He already asked if I was hunting the gold like my dad. Sarah tried to help me get out of it but—"

"Ward can suck it. There's more important things going on."

John B bit back a sob. Hot sticky tears sliding down his cheeks onto his scrunched chin. He clenched JJ's shirt in his hand.

He took in a slow deep breath. "How much does Topper know?"

"Vaguely what happened in junior high. About Luke. And that JJ is cursed. But not anything specific. He saw JJ blackout and well... all of that. Helped me patch him up too."

"I thought you guys were in the middle of a feud." John B sniffled.

"Well, Topper uh... he uh, I guess he does have a heart after all."

"Where's—where is Topper?" JJ groaned out. Digging his face further into the blankets.


"He can't—tell anyone. I'll—kill—him if he tells—anyone."

"You're not the only one, bro."

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