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John B's eyes fluttered open to rays of sun shining directly into his eyes. Someone was holding his hand and Sarah was humming something in his ear. He pulled back, careful not to move too quickly.

Sarah whipped around with a gasp. "Woah, Sancho. Take it easy." She cracked a smile and sat next to him. Pulling his hair back and tucking a few stray strands behind his ear. "Hi."

"Hi." His voice was raspy. But he gave her a smile as well. He turned to look at who was holding his hand. JJ had his head tucked in the crook of his arm laying forward from one of the chairs. "Where—"

"You're at St. Anne's. You fell from the hawks nest, John B. They said it was practically a miracle you got out of it with a sprained wrist and a mild concussion. From how high you fell." She spoke softly and smiled sweetly. "JJ almost threw hands with the nurse when they brought you in. He didn't wanna leave you."

"Huh." John B blinked hard a couple of times. Feeling a slight ring in his ears as he looked around. Letting the situation soak in. "Wait... I'm in the hospital?"

"Yeah. You fell three stories, John B."

"No no. Sarah, I can't be here. DCS—"

"Isn't going to be a problem." Ward Cameron came into the room with his hands in his pockets. "I heard about what you did up in the hawks nest. Protecting my little girl. It seems I owe you an apology. You were honest with me about a small indiscretion and I went ahead and fired you anyway. I'll admit I do let my anger get ahead of me sometimes. She'll tell you." He smiled and walked around the bed making sure not to disturb JJ. "He uh... your friend wouldn't stop making a fuss about you when they wheeled you in here. I'm pretty sure he was this close to burning down the hospital to get to you."

"Yeah. That sounds like him." John B didn't look away from him. An unfamiliar string of JJ's words rang through his head. You're worth the two weeks of hell I'm about to go through, bro! 

"So I talked to Sheriff Peterkin about taking you in. To avoid DCS separating you from your friends and well... friends . I've asked to become your legal guardian. If you'll have me?" Ward's eyes practically twinkled with righteousness. John B stared at Sarah for a moment. His heart skipped a beat.

"Does that mean I don't have to leave?"

"Yes, John B." Ward gripped his arm and squeezed reassuringly.

John B felt like crying.

He felt JJ stir by his side. The boy raised his head to be met with sunshine directly in his face. JJ sighed and hid his head behind his arm again before peeking over at John B. His fingers still very much wrapped around John B's.

"Look who's awake." John B's chest swelled with a yawn. JJ rapidly cleared his eyes of sleep by blinking.

"Is someone kicking me out?" His groggy voice whispered.


"Okay good. Cause I was this close to setting—"

"JJ." John B flicked his eyes over toward Ward and Sarah. Giving him a small smile.

"Ah. Mr. Cameron. Sarah." JJ sat up immediately and withdrew his hand from John B's wiping his hands on his shorts. Shaking his hair out of his face. "Uh... you— I...jeez. How's it going?"

John B couldn't stop staring at his hand. There was a brace around it. Obviously he sprained it. But JJ's hand had been covering his fingers so he hadn't realized.

"You gave me your ring?" John B lifted up his hand just to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

JJ's face went red. "Come on, man. It's not that serious."

"JJ, you gave me your ring."

"I'm aware." JJ stood awkwardly like a board. Ward's presence there was throwing off his vibe.

Apparently Ward was aware of this because he slapped John B's thigh and stood up. Giving Sarah a small kiss to her forehead. "I'll let you kids catch up, yeah?"

"Bye, dad."

Ward gave a small wave before closing the door behind him.

"Dude, I thought you were in a coma." JJ's eyes sparkled with fresh tears. His cheeks pulled up into the smile John B thought he only saw when JJ was looking at something he missed.

John B cried. Like full on. Just the thought of his friend— his brother being so worried about him that he gave him his most valued possession. That was enough to make him sob.

JJ was slightly shocked at his reaction. In his head he thought what he said was funny. He glanced over at Sarah who was also staring at him with misty eyes.

"Why are—."

"JJ, shut up, you absolute buffoon." John B reached out from the hospital bed. Opening his arms for JJ to climb into.

He didn't hesitate.

"Hey so, I know we're having a moment, I just thought I'd warn you, Kie and Pope are gonna stop by sometime." JJ mumbled.

John B laughed. "Of course." JJ pulled out of the hug and sat back down in the chair.

"He's gonna be discharged soon. As soon as he woke up they said that he was okay to leave." Sarah said. "Did you wanna wait for them?"

"Nah, seeing me in a hospital bed might send Pope into a panic. And Kie's probably still a little pissed at me."

"I'll call them and let them know you're okay." JJ stood up and left the room.

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