Magic Tylenol

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John B was dizzy. Well, dizzy didn't quite cover it. Disoriented at best. He'd stolen the jet ski from the Druthers when Ward was busy looking for his other watch. Frankly, John B wasn't interested in figuring out what stupid magical intention was on it. Not when Ward had already admitted to killing his father.

But he was dizzy. And nowhere near home quite yet. Despite running out of fuel in the middle of the marsh, he couldn't help but laugh at the thought that he'd somehow gotten away.

Ward couldn't get him now.

At least for a little while.

He took a deep breath, willing his head to stop spinning. And for his mouth to moisten even a little bit. Just to get through this so he could go home and relax .

He pushed from the jet ski off into the marsh. Towards where he believed home was.

The dizziness worsened when he ducked his head underwater. Feeling the rush of water slosh into his ears and the pressure push at the base of his skull. Dots swam in his vision as he pushed forward. Toward the shore.

There were thoughts that kept floating by the backs of his eyes. Manifestations of the anxiety he had been feeling earlier since Ward had implied he was gonna kill him if he didn't tell him where the gold was.

The Rolex was magic. You're cursed now too .

Like the lightbulb in his head switched on.

Dear god, what have I gotten myself into? 

Pope had called his dad telling him that there was no way he could make it into work. His father had asked why. Pope of course told him that despite his fears, he was helping that Maybank kid once again. Heyward expectantly tried to lecture Pope over the phone. Much to his disamusement.

JJ had overheard most of the conversation. Absent-mindedly biting at his one singular golden nail.

Silently wishing that Maybank men didn't live up to their name.

Topper was the first to break the silence that had fallen over them. Awkwardness just didn't sit right in his gut. Never had. He figured it never would. "So like, how does the ring even work? Like you're pretty normal right now. What does it even do?"

They all had retired to John B's pullout which was still in couch mode. JJ was on the floor in front of Kie where he knew she'd fiddle with his hair. Even though she saved a spot on the couch next to her. Pope shot JJ a tense stare. But his eyes were closed due to Kie massaging his head. "Essentially it works like magic Tylenol." Pope started. "Just prolonging the inevitable. It didn't have enough gold for the intention to stick to so it wasn't gonna be any more powerful than that. When he's wearing it, he only has to undergo the effects of the curse once a month."

"Interesting. What was the intention? Is that what magic is?" Topper was very interested. Leaning in and everything.

"Sort of. From the research I did with my Mimaw essentially magic sticks to an object through a user's intention. An intention can be something as simple as make my eyes blue or in JJ's ring's case ease ailments both magic and physical."

"So that's why John B was so weird about it. Cause it's like a prescription. Got it."

"Like my own personal adderall." JJ whispered with a grin on his lips.

"A little more complicated than just ADHD meds but you kinda get the idea." Pope said, glaring at JJ. Still hearing his tired voice in his head basically telling him that he didn't deserve help. Still telling jokes to hide.

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