Not Like Other Dads

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It was the next morning. Pope had woken up on an empty pullout. Which was surprising since he thought for sure JJ had fallen asleep next to him the night before. It had been them by themselves because John B and Sarah were sharing the bed in John B's room. And Kie was already gone by the time they settled.

His fingers mindlessly traced the creases in the makeshift sheets where for sure another body had been. They were cool to the touch. Obviously he'd woken up a rather long while after JJ had.

John B emerged from the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth and a towel around his waist. Not paying any mind to Pope's gaze.

"Sup, bro. You sleep good?"

"Did you?" Pope smirked, throwing his question right back at him. "Black eye and all?"

"Ahh you know, doesn't really hurt anymore. So, uh, you didn't happen to catch JJ before he left, did you?"

Pope's stomach dropped slightly. A lump formed in his throat. "No, why?"

John B paced the living room, dripping stray droplets of water from the shower he'd just taken all over the Chateau's floorboards. "I'm just worried about him. His father doesn't come here unless he's on a royally fucked up bender and JJ's done something stupid. We already know what the stupid thing was."

"Gotta say, I'm actually surprised you got out of it with a jab to the eye if I'm being honest. The way Luke was talking, he was probably on the bad shit again."

"Yeah... I don't want JJ over there anymore. Especially when his dad's coked up out of his mind. If you see him, tell him he's been welcome to my dad's room." John B smiled before heading into his room.

Pope sat upright. "Well, where are you going?"

"Oh uh, technically, I'm one of Ward's prisoners now so I can't really just bail on life anymore without making myself suspicious. He's bound to catch on at some point and we don't need him on our trail when we know he's got the firepower to basically obliterate us. So, I gotta go make sure The Druthers is in peak condition at all times to keep him off my back."

Pope nodded. "If you see JJ before I do, tell him he's a psycho for waking up before seven." He slammed himself back into the comfort of the lumpy pullout as John B disappeared into his room. A long hollow sigh that could've been a yawn bloomed from his throat. Sending pins and needles along the sides of his head down to his fingers. "Coulda at least said bye, Jay." He muttered to himself before turning over to pull himself out of bed.

"I gotta go home to pick up some fresh clothes. Plus my dad's probably off his rocker thinking I got kidnapped."

"I'll drive you." John B said sweetly. "I was heading back over there anyway."

"You were gonna go to my house without me?" Sarah gasped and manhandled one of John B's deflated pillows.

"No, why do you think so little of me, Val?" His lips pulled into a mischievous grin.

Sarah raised an eyebrow and spoke in her french accented voice reserved only for playing the part of Valerie from Quebec. "Because, Vlad , we are treading dangerous waters. You would be a fool to leave your...camouflage at home."

"Camouflage?" John B hopped on the bed bringing his face close to Sarah's. "Is that what we're calling it now?" He smiled and leaned in. Only staring at her lips.

"I'm a master of many things, Vlad. You'll want me there, as camouflage or simply as your partner in crime."

"You gonna show me some of these talents one of these days?" John B pushed his lips against hers. Taking in a short breath of air as she pecked back.

"Oh, you'll see them. Eventually." She winked and stuffed the deflated pillow into John B's face, knocking him fully onto the bed with a surprised giggle.

The two of them used the rest of the morning to ride over to Tannyhill Manor. Both dreaded the walk inside since based on the cars in the driveway, things could go very wrong if they accidentally ran into the ones who drove them. Ward's SUV was sitting there. Rafe's bike was gone. Rose's Sedan was also gone. And another unknown vehicle sat in the wrap-around driveway.

Sarah sighed before heading up to her room. Leaving John B in the main foyer.

He could hear Ward arguing through the ceiling. It was muffled but he could still hear how enraged Ward's voice sounded. Like an he was in an argument.

When he heard a door slam and the argument cease, he quickly started fiddling with his fingers. Nervousness settling in his knuckles.

Ward trudged down the stairs with his arms at his sides and a thin frown pulling at the corners of his mouth. His gaze was turned to the floor.

"Hey, Ward." John B held his hand up to wave.

Ward's eyes shifted from the floor to John B's face for a second before he quickly rushed from the room. His brow was furrowed with what John B assumed to be disgust. He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. Dropping his hand back down to his side.

"Sup, John B. Wanna tell me why my daughter didn't come home last night?" Ward's posture stiffened as he leant against the wall with his arms crossed. Eyebrows raised in a questioning fashion.

"Oh..." John B's voice held that iconic I'm in deep shit tone. "Uh, so like, I'm really sorry about that. I kinda got carried away at the Chateau. Her and I just kinda slept there."

Ward's eyes narrowed. "I see." He took a step toward John B.

"Listen, Sir, I'm sorry. I really am. I was picking through some of my dad's stuff and kinda just went down a rabbit hole. I swear it won't happen again." John B stepped back, shaking his head.

"See to it that it doesn't. At least call next time, Jesus. I'm responsible for you, John B. You're really not making it easy for me. Even a text woulda made it so I wasn't up half the night worried sick over my daughter."

"Right, right. I hear you. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

Ward pursed his lips. Knocking his extended finger against them.

"John B, I think it's due time I took you out."

"Like... out ?"

"Fishing." He deadpanned. "I was trying to go easy on you since you just went through hell, but clearly that was the wrong move. I'm gonna take you out on the Druthers tomorrow morning. We'll catch some fresh fish and you can start earning your keep."

"I uh... I actually have plans tomorrow."

" We have plans tomorrow, Dad." Sarah came down the steps with a bag in her hand, stuffing what John B assumed to be some clothes in as she walked.

"Sarah, I just wanna have some alone time with the new addition to our family. You guys can go do your plans later. I heard from some guys down at the marina that fishing is gonna be so good tomorrow due to the current and weather they've projected. Like so good. I wanna take him fishing so that we can get him situated in the Cameron normalcies."

"Can't it wait, dad? There's still gonna be fish in the sea. John B and I already made plans that can't be cancelled." She said it like nabbing some gold wasn't the most exciting thing she'd ever experienced. Breaking the bubble . "We're probably never gonna have this chance again."

Ward shifted his gaze between Sarah and John B. Sighing loudly. "Tell you what, I'll put off the fishing adventure if you take Wheezie with you tomorrow."

"Oh... no that's not— she wouldn't have any fun with what we're gonna be doing, Dad. She'll come home grumpier than when she left."

"Yeah okay. See that's what I thought you were going to say. So I'm definitely taking John B fishing tomorrow whether you like it or not. Dad's rule." Ward cheekily smiled, laughing lightly at seeing Sarah squirm. "I'll bring him back in one piece, I swear, pumpkin."

Sarah rolled her eyes and glanced at John B shooting him a faintly concerned expression. "Yeah, okay, dad. But if he's not home by nine, I'm calling Rose."

Ward snickered and pulled her in for a hug. "Don't worry. I'm not like the other dad's." he said throwing John B a sly wink over Sarah's shoulder.

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