Ch 7

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Maybe it was because it was late, or maybe it was because i knew what it was like to feel that way.

* * * * * *

Awhile ago, Connor and I finished our tea and just decided to lounge around in the living room. It was already pretty late and when i glanced at the clock it was already 11. the thought of how a game could have an accurate perception of night and day and time still strung me the wrong way.

speaking of which, i was never a fan of sleeping late because then i would end up a mess in the morning. I was given a room to sleep in, which i actually shared with Wendy. but, weirdly, she'd disappeared earlier in the day. After our little quarrel in the kitchen, she said she wanted to go explore, and then left, and she hasn't come back, to my knowledge, at least.

Getting back to my earlier topic, i released a couple of minutes had passed since i wandered into my thoughts. I didn't feel like sleeping in my room, it would feel too cold with just me in there. I shook my head a little. but i really did want to sleep.

During my internal battle of deciding whether to succumb to pristine bedsheets or not, i hadn't noticed Connor staring at me, and when i did, an idea popped into my head.

"Hey Connor...would it be okay if i slept in your room?" I spoke with hesitance, and stared at Connor.

I half expected him to decline but i also expected him to stare at me weirdly.

Yet, he shrugged.

"Sure. I don't mind, but don't you have a room that you share with your friend Dylan."

My brain sizzled a bit at the name Dylan until i remembered that he meant Wendy.

"Yeah, but he left midday and he hasnt come back, and i dont want to sleep alone. Im new to this place, and i like it and its really cozy, but it strikes me wrong now that its dark. I guess since its a new place to me and all." I tried to sound nonchalant, as best as i could lace me being afraid of sleeping alone into a calm tone.

"I get what you mean. But, yeah, you can sleep in my room. I share it with Seth but told me yesterday he was sure he wasn't going to really use it." He replied curtly.

For some reason, though, the small insight on Seth made my stomach churn like if i wanted to vomit, more in disgust at what the meaning behind the statement was. I shuddered a bit as i stood up and stretched, following Connor down the hallway to his room. i glanced at one of the clocks.

It read 11:23.


The beds were surprisingly comfy. I snuggled into the soft covers, and they felt soft and fluffy under me, like a pile of feathers. That or i was just incredibly tired.

I laughed to myself a bit. A hummed lowly, the softness of the mattress enveloping me in a soft embrace, and i wanted so badly to fall asleep. I was tired, i knew, but i felt like glancing at the clock on the nightstand.

Now it read 11:58

I smiled a bit. When we reached Connor's room we talked for awhile, and then we shut off the lights. I was pretty sure he was asleep by now. A smiled warmly to myself in the darkness of the room. It was... a nice feeling, talking to Connor. It soothed me in a way. I closed my eyes, humming softly again.

I could feel sleep overcoming my eyes, but then i felt tingly. Not like when you're tickled, tingly like when you swim underwater and you get a sensory overload, the feeling of water against your skin. Except, now it felt more like if feathers were coming off of me, kind of like how reptiles shed.



I opened my eyes abruptly, and was met with small crystalline specks of digital shards flying of me. I raised my hand to my face, and the specks came off, like if i was shedding skin. A sat up hurriedly, my breathing suddenly becoming rapid. I touched my face frantically, and what if elt made my blood run cold. I didn't feel strong cheekbones anymore, they felt soft and pudgy, like mine. But that couldn't be possible, because i was playing as Ninja. My breathing became frantic, and the specks started to come off me in less and less tuffs. I wove my hands into my hair, and realized it was long again.

No.. no this can't be happening. I can't let them see me. I can't let Connor see me. I cant-

"Haru? What are you doing? What are those lights?" The sound of Connor's raspy voice made me freeze in my spot.

"Conor I-" My voice caught in my throat, and i realized it was no longer deep like Ninjas, it was higher pitched now, like mine.

Oh no. no this isn't good. Whats going on, why arent i 'playing' as Ninja? Why am I me? this isnt good. No, no i can't let them-

"Haru? Whats wrong? Your voice sounds weird." I glanced over at Connor. He was rubbing his eyes.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck shti fuck fuck im so screwed.

Being too busy panicking internally, i didn't notice Connor turn to me, and when i did, i noticed the perfect 'o' shape his mouth made.

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh f-

"You know, i had a feeling you weren't male. But this was no how i expected to confirm my suspicions." He drawled it out, stretching as he turned to me.

I was still practically frozen, my hands clutching at bedsheets like a lifeline.

And then there was a knock at the door.

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