Elrios Games Ch 31

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"Wahhh!!~" I spun around in the air, a combo that lets me fly for a few seconds. Jessica and I were standing on a large boulder that was planted onto the ground of nowhere, with only drifting sand and more sand until far into the horizon of the setting sun.

It took maybe a whole 7 minutes until we felt Kevin's presence.

"I... Can't fly.... like you guys... can..." Kevin gasped for air as he leaned his right arm against the large rock for support. I gave a small giggle and exchanged glances with Jessica as she yelled a combo name that she and I created a few days after we started the trip.

"Nasod..." Jessica started, a large light forming at her raised hand that was aimed at Kevin; whom was staring at us with wide eyes.

"Arrows!!!~" I finished, also extending my arm towards Kevin. His eyebrows furrowed together, completely confused. 'Nasod Arrows?' He mouthed, suddenly speechless.

His head snapped around at the light blue bubble creating around him, which of course Jessica's nasods are forming. I provide the material of the bubble. It was actually made with warm ElFruit Smoothie, water orb, and empty orb. With a few kicks and combos in the hand, we made it out... To be honest, we kind of already predicted Kevin would have this problem of catching up with us.

Kevin slammed a fist at the bubble.

"What the hell is this?!"

"Oh shush, little one." Jessica called over her shoulder. We started walking again, only with Kevin floating next to us in a large bubble.

* * * * * * * * * * *

I settled down onto the lavender velvet-soft blanket near the fire. Kevin was still in the bubble, hopelessly trying to use combos on the strong material.

"It's useless. I made it myself." I wrapped my arms around my knees as I stared at Kevin's efforts with amusement.

He tried to say something again, but the bubble muffled out his voice.

"Here." Jessica handed me lizard meat, and summoned one into Kevin's bubble. I took a bite.

"Jessica, how can we communicate with Kevin until the next 72 hours... Which is when his bubble pops?"

Jessica gave a quiet laugh.

"If he wanted to he can just talk to you telepathically, I arranged so that when you enter the bubble you can telepathically contact anyone outside the bubble. He can hear us clearly, we just can't hear him."

Kevin's mouth dropped open and his eyes looked like a young boy's that was handed a puppy for Christmas. I then heard his voice echoing in my head.


I looked at him questioningly, and he beamed a smile once more.

"It works, right?" Jessica smiled and then started to walk into the forest. "I'll be right back, I have to clean my nasods." And then the dark, green, mysterious leaves engulfed her. I gulped, the thought of being alone with Kevin shook my mind.

We sat there in awkward silence for a while.

"This telepathic thing is really cool."

I nodded.


"...Grand Archer." He said my name quietly, questioningly.

"Yes, Kevin?" I responded.



"...Love you."

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