Chapter 1: Kaiju school day

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(This well take place after GVK movie and the before main canon story of DXD right after Asia reincarnated.)

Today is Wednesday in Kuoh Academy, once a all girl school then it becomes co-ed but heard about a new student who's attending to this school, they saw a boy who has black hair, Green eyes, and was about 5.8 tall in human height, who's name is Y/n L/n. As he was walking towards the entrance, all the girls were falling over him from the get go and the males hated him from Y/n stealing all they girls.

One male made fun of him, and Y/n flipped the boys off and the girls cheered for him.

Y/n: (Sigh) Why'd I come to school? I guess mom just wanted me to learn and make friends since I have her, her friend, me and my other two friends.

As he got in the building, he meets Sona Sitri and her vice president Tsubaki Shinra. He introduced himself to and asked them if he has his papers for his classes.

Then she handed him the schedule for his school and he went off but Sona was wondering about the new guy in Kuoh Academy so Tsubaki looks at her and said.

Then she handed him the schedule for his school and he went off but Sona was wondering about the new guy in Kuoh Academy so Tsubaki looks at her and said

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Tsubaki: Does he have a sacred gear, president?

Sona was wondering about his energy and was thinking about if he has a sacred gear or not. She looks at her vice president and said.

 She looks at her vice president and said

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Sona: I don't know, Tsubaki. But I have a weird feeling about him.

Tsubaki: Like what?

Sona: An unknown power that lies within him. We better keep an eye on him.

(Timeskip brought to by Y/n punishing the perverted trio with Koneko.)

Then later on in the school at around lunch time, Y/n was sitting outside and brought out a lunch made by someone who found him when he was young.

He opened his box and revealed to be a tuna casserole, plenty of apples, a salad, and a cup of tea.

As he was eating on his lunch, he sees a woman with red hair with teal-green eye and she was look at him, he was curious about her Why she's looking at him and he waved at her and she waved at him back. So he continues eating his lunch and head back to his class.

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