Chapter 4.2: The king awakens pt2

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Where the main character and Yuuma was at last time. His back and dorsals was glowing blue on and off showing an immediation display. So, Y/n was asking to Yuuma about their date and he said.

Y/n: So, the date we had was a lie?

Yuuma??: No, it wasn't. I actually had fun but I..... really don't want to kill you and if I don't..... they'll harm me and my friends, or worse.

Y/n was surprised by what's he's hearing while he and Yuuma was being watched by the same two girls from today before they had a date. Then Yuuma was on a verge to cry and he walked to her and hugged her to help her feel better. While he was hugging her, two female girls came out and he said that they'll have a talk back with his house.

As they left, the dark green hair girl saw the whole thing and saw her friend.

???: There you are.

???2: Sorry I was late, I had my hands full with fallen angels

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???2: Sorry I was late, I had my hands full with fallen angels.

???: Can't say I agree with you, Yue. Be the way, why're we watching Y/n again?

Yue: Seriously, Ubel. You can be too carefree sometimes, and you know she can worry about Y/n. I don't want her here saying that her king gets hurt!

Ubel: Yeah, I get it. I wonder how's Shimo and her two teammates being doing lately?

Yue: Honestly, why she made me team up with you? You're two relax.

Then both of them started to follow him without him senses their energy. At his house, Maya asked her real name and she said that her name is Raynare, then she told Maya that they need to kill the leader named Sasha, the leader of the fallen angel and told her that she has 4 wings.

Y/n: So, if I find this Sasha girl and you need me to kill her? Is that right?

Y/n: So, if I find this Sasha girl and you need me to kill her? Is that right?

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Kalawarner: Basically, yeah.

Raynare: We just wanted to be free and live a normal life but Dohnaseek's gonna find us and hurt us.

Sung: Don't worry about that because Y/n is going to set you girls free.

Y/n: Yeah. Wait, what?

Maya: Well, you girls can stay here if you want.

Raynare: Thank you, Maya.

Maya: Also, before you and your two friends can stay, what are you girls.

Kalawarner: We're fallen angels. Kinda like an angel except we have black wings instead of white.

Then Raynare then explain about the three faction war between Devils, Angels, and Fallen angels. Y/n was listening the whole story and his suspension was correct that he was senses something around him ever since he has something weird going on with him.

So he went to his bedroom and decided to went out the window and looked at the view. Hakari came in and said.

Hakari: Are you alright?

He looks like Hakari with concern on her face, he smiled at her and said.

Y/n: I'm fine, Hakari. Just.... looking at the view and was thinking.

Hakari: Thinking about what?

Y/n: About who and what I am. Am I really human.

Hakari: What? You're a human.

Y/n: I don't know if I am human. I mean, does a human have a tail and dorsal plates like a dinosaur like me have?

Hakari: No?

Y/n: Well, maybe I'll call Chisato tomorrow to figure out what I am.

Then she heard Hahari called her over to dinner with Maya. So they went in the dining room and ate their own dinner. Then someplace else, Ubel and Yue was waiting for some two girls, and they've arrived.

 Then someplace else, Ubel and Yue was waiting for some two girls, and they've arrived

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???: Why'd you call us here, Yue?

Yue: We've called you and your friend here because he's about to awaken his Kaiju self, Suzune.

Suzune: I see. Knowing from your boss and our boss that they're going to be on the move.

Ubel: Well, what're going to do after they reunited with Y/n?

Ubel: Well, what're going to do after they reunited with Y/n?

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???: Maybe they'll fight each other?

Yue: No, he won't. He knows that he loves both of them, Mizore. He's one step closer to awaken. Then after Shimo and me, Ubel's boss will come for him.

Suzune: What about Ghidorah?

Ubel: Don't know. We haven't seen her in a long time.

Yue: I'm just worrying about if Esdeath will come and look for Y/n. For now, we hide in the shadows until we will come out with our boss and you two boss.
But then, this is goodbye.

Then the four of them started to leave. Meanwhile with Y/n, he still in his room and still wondering why this is happening to him. Then he looks at the clock and he has to go to bed and maybe he'll master his new powers in his dream world.

So he gets ready for bed and went to sleep for the next day tomorrow.

(Hope you guys enjoyed it!)

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