Chapter 6: Settling down

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After Y/n awakens his true self and killed Kokabiel, and Ion Dragon, then sets Raynare and her friends free and now was living with him and his family, now his two loyal servants, Mothra and Shimo, came in after the fight.

It was the weekends at Y/n's room, he was getting up from his bed and wanted to asked Mothra and Shimo questions about where he actually comes from. So he puts his clothes on and the cat jumps on his shoulder and he walked towards the kitchen.

As he was making himself some toast, waffles and having some orange juice, he sees the new reporter on the TV screen and was saying that the Titans are back and still alive while he was eating his breakfast and drinking his orange juice, then Y/n sees a logo that he feels familiar to him.

As he was making himself some toast, waffles and having some orange juice, he sees the new reporter on the TV screen and was saying that the Titans are back and still alive while he was eating his breakfast and drinking his orange juice, then Y/n ...

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Y/n: "Monarch"? That name sounds familiar to me. But where did I see it before?

After he finished his breakfast and was doing his dishes, he went to the living room and see Mothra and Shimo was talking to Maya and everyone else. So he asked many questions about where he came from and Mothra then said something.

Y/n: Mothra, where'd I come from?

Mothra: We came from the Hollow Earth, an ancient subterranean ecosystem located almost near the Earth's core.

Then he asked her many questions, including the Titans are alive, and she said that some are alive including her and Shimo, and he asked her about monarch. She said that they use a DNA and tried to use it to him and control him. But she said that he escaped through the hollow earth portal and landed Kuoh and changed into his human form.

Then he asked her a question that's who found him before Maya.

Y/n: Who really found me before mom adopted me?

Shimo: Amaterasu, a Japanese sun goddess. She takes you while you were unconscious and placed you near Maya's house, we don't know where Amaterasu is. The reason why we came up here because there's a new threat coming but new enemies won't show up until season 2 of this story.

Y/n: You're right about that.

(A/n: Y/n hasn't encountered Riser, yet.)

Mothra: After you've awaken, you have to keep the balance in check.

Y/n: I don't know about that. That's sounds like a big job and I love to live my life as a human. But where you and Shimo going to live?

Then he was right, both of them looked at each other and Shimo said to Mothra. Y/n then has an idea, he turned to Hahari if there's a place big enough for all of them to live in. Hahari then look up her phone and already found a place big enough for all of them to live in. Y/n told them to start packing up their belongings to move to the big house so after were done packing up, they went to a limousine and drove off to the new house.

Many minutes later, they arrived at their new house and Y/n looks at and realized that it was a mansion. So they went inside of the mansion and looked around the place on how classy it is. And Hahari on the other hand, she was looking at Y/n and was fantasizing about him.

(Her fantasy. Don't forget, Rossweisse is the main alpha of his harem and I will update his harem.)

Y/n: Hahari, I just wanted to say that I love you when I first met you.

Hahari was happy for him say that. So she cupped his cheeks and both of them started to make out.

(End of Hahari's fantasy)

Hahari: Y/n, I didn't know you be bad to the bone~.

Then everyone sweat drop and Y/n to to Hakari and said.

Y/n: Is your mom ok, Hakari?

Hakari: I don't know but I think she's having a fantasy over you, Y/n.

Sung: That's weird.

Y/n: You tell me, bro.

Kazehana was also fantasizing about him as well including Maya, Shimo, and Mothra. It was at this point, he said that he was done and heading up to his new room. When he opened the door to his new bedroom and was amazed how big it was.

 When he opened the door to his new bedroom and was amazed how big it was

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Y/n: (Ok, this is cool. Though it'll take some time for us living in a mansion with Hakari and Hahari.)

The cat hopped off his shoulders and made it self comfortable on the his new bed, and he was starting to unpack his belongings for minutes then he was done.

(Timeskip towards the evening hours)

After he was done taking a short nap, he heard a knocking at his door, he walked to it and saw Maya and she told him to come eat. He then followed her and told the cat to stay inside until he gets back from dinner room.

So, at the dinner table, Hahari told them did they find their own room and answered yes. Hahari told Y/n that he'll have his own maid to help him with his homework and studying. He was curious about who's his own personal maid is, then they see a bunch of chiefs came in and handed them their own dinner.

So, everyone have eaten their own dinner and Y/n was stuffed from the food he ate. When he walked in and started to change into his night outfit and decided to went to bed and get ready for tomorrow which is Sunday. When he was sleeping, the cat was looking around where the cost is clear, the cat changed form into a girl with black hair, with a black and red kimono, and has cat features on her. She looks at him and said something while caress his cheek while he's sleeping.

???: You're really cute when you're sleeping but I hope you can help me out with my problem I have.

Then she went to his bed and slept beside him while her breasts was on his back of his head to add comfort while he's sleeping.

(Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter of this story!)

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