Season 2 Ch.6: Going Home

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While he was having a dream, he was in fairy tail universe where Y/n was confused about how he got here but he got a headlock and saw kong dressed as Elfmen saying a real man endures a noogie as the others was fighting and he wakes up in the real world as he looks around his bedroom and saw his drink on his counter by his bed, he realized that it was the middle of the night while Rossweisse was hugging his arm.

Y/n: I gotta stop sleep eating around midnight.

Then he falls back asleep with his Rossweisse. We then cut to the day time hours when Y/n is walking to school with Hakari, they girls was falling for him more due to his dominance and the males was scared of him more than usual and Hakari asked him a question about hollow earth but he answered that he hasn't seen it in a long time.

Then after school, Y/n was walking back to his house by himself for a while and he finally arrived at his house but noticed that there's a government car.

Y/n: (Man, they're probably here for my taxes. I just paid them last week!)

He walked in to the car and recognized the logo as he mumbling Monarch as he lets himself as he opened his door and saw Monarch team was in his house with his mom and everyone else, he asked Miya a question.

Y/n: Mom, what's going on?

Then he sees a person who works for monarch named Ilene Andrew.

Ilene: Hello, Y/n. Been awhile.

Y/n: Dr. Andrew?

He turned to Issei and Sung as he told the truth.

Sung: Hold on. Who's this?

Issei: Do you know her?

Y/n: I do. This is Ilene Andrew. A member of monarch and adopted a Iwi kid named Jia. She was hong Kong after me and Kong killed mechagodzilla in 2021.

He turned around to Ilene and asked her.

Y/n: Why're you here in the first place, Ilene?

She showed them a image on her tablet but showed of a ape foot and a eye ball, she then told him and everyone else.

Ilene: This is last footage we had in hollow earth. We suspect to be a great ape titan like Kong.

Y/n: But that's impossible. I know for a fact that Kong is a last of his kind. You're saying that there's more?

She nodded and made his curious as he kept looking at a eyeball has a blue color with a white pupils while talking about something important and talking about Titans was balance of nature and great apes was protector of humanity he was thinking about where he seen that before but he heard a door open and heard a gruff voice.

???: Well, I'll be on a Warbat's fang! It's you!

He takes his eyes off the tablet, as he sees his old friend, Kong.

He takes his eyes off the tablet, as he sees his old friend, Kong

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Y/n: Kong?

Kong: Hey, partner. How's it been?

Y/n: Great and all but that doesn't answer on my question about why monarch is here in the first place at Kuoh.

Kong: You don't get it, pal. There's something going on in hollow earth right now. Something big, bigger than you face Ghidorah in Boston at 2019 and the MUTOS in San Francisco at 2014. In short, we're going to the hollow earth and get packing.

Y/n: Wait, if I'm going they're going to to including Tsukiumi.

Kong: Who??

Kong looks at Tsukiumi and didn't know her but Y/n explain it later, Y/n told Rias and the others that they're going to hollow earth later on today or tomorrow. But Y/n said they could go tomorrow to the hollow earth but Y/n and Kong talking about if Y/n's family is alive and Kong said yes this made him glad to hear about it.

Then we cut to dinner at where everyone was eating but in the hollow earth, one of Skar King's minions told him that Kong and Godzilla are coming in the hollow earth and this made Skar King mad that he punched a wall while he made a crack of it and told his men that be ready for them and told his general apes that he has something special to Godzilla.

At the morning hours came around, Y/n change into his Godzilla form when he, Kong, Shimo, and Mothra are approaching the hollow earth entrance portal, they both jumped into the portal while Rossweisse and the others was in the Bio mimic HEAV while Rias and the ORC club was finding the holy sword pieces and finding Freed sellzen.

(Hope you guys enjoyed this one, the next chapter is where MC and the others are in the hollow earth and MC finds his dad and his little brother. Stay tuned for that. Don't post rude or hateful comments!)

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