Chapter 8: We're meddling kids

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It was Saturday morning, Y/n was at the bedroom while Sung, and Kazehana was in his room with him and they're discussing about the plan in an hour on proving Kuroka's innocence before they left.

Sung: So, her old master place is in an old building in Kuoh's forest?

Y/n: Yes.

Kazehana: But they maybe traps in the building. So we better be careful.

Y/n: I'm highly sure there's no traps, Kazehana.

Sung: I don't know about that, man. I've seen Scooby Doo and I know they've maybe booby traps.

They've beginning to get ready to go out and find the evidence on Kuroka.

So, an hour or so later, they're walking in Kuoh's forest and not knowing that they're being watched from behind. Moments later, they've arrived at Kuroka's old master place and noticed how old it is.

 Moments later, they've arrived at Kuroka's old master place and noticed how old it is

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Sung: Wow, talk about old.

Y/n: Anyway, let's get in, find the evidence of Kuroka, and get out with no problem.

Kazehana: And hopefully not encountered a snake with bat wings.

Y/n: I'm sure there's not.

As they gotten in the building, they noticed that how creepy and ominous it is and has no lights. Y/n had an idea, so he used his kaiju hybrid genetics and lets out his tail, his finger nails turn into claws, and his dorsal fins, then l he illuminated his plates as a flashlight.

Y/n: This work?

Sung: Yeah, great job, bud.

So they began to search the place every where to top to bottom and nook and crany in the place and had no luck whatsoever. Kazehana heard something from below them and she said.

Kazehana: Wait, I hear wind from....below us.

Sung: You're right, Kazehana. But how'd we get down there?

Y/n: I wonder...

Then Y/n had a idea, he turned to his friends and said to them.

Y/n: Got it! Sung, Kazehana. Stand back! I have a idea that may work.

Both of them stand back as Y/n looks up at the ceiling and began to charge up his dorsal was glowing blue, and the same thing as his eyes and used his atomic breath at the ground.

(Sorta like this.)

After he used his atomic breath to drill into the hallow ground and revealed to be a hidden entrance to the labs underground. Sung was shocked about how he do that and he asked him a question.

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