Season 2 Ch.4: A sword's dark history

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While in his dream he was having, Y/n looked at a stage and he was playing as Romeo and he was confused.

Y/n: (What the fuck am I wearing?)

Then he sees the same blonde hair girl from the dream he kept having while she was playing as Juliet and she was taking the lead role as the others started to show up with her, but one of them started to screw up and she walked towards him while chaos was happening, she said to him.

???: I'll see you soon.

She cupped his cheeks and kissed him on the lips and causing him to wake up in the real world. He looks around at his room and none was there.

Y/n: Man, what have I been eating last night to have that dream?

Then he remembers that she tasted when she kissed him in his dream and said it tasted like strawberries. He gets up from his bed and decided to get dressed up for his day and saw his roommates to investigate the church and the holy sword project while he's gone and they agreed with him.

While he was going to Kuoh Academy with Hakari, they saw Kiba and Y/n trying to talk to him and he just ignored him while saying it's fine.

Hakari: I'm starting to worry about Kiba.

Y/n: I know, Hakari and that's scaring me.

When they've arrived at the school in Kuoh and bumped into the two exorcist from yesterday, then the students asked Y/n and his relationship, but he said that he'll ask that one later. While at the outside and Kiba was training, Y/n manage to sneak behind and knock him out.

He then carried him to secluded area and he tied the ropes around him so he won't escape from Y/n. After a few minutes, Kiba was starting to wake up and noticed that he was in a room while he's tied up.

Kiba: What the?

Then he sees Y/n by the wall with his arms crossed.

Kiba: Y/n? What're you doing here?

Y/n: Kiba. We need to talk. It's about the Holy Sword Project.

Then when he said that, Kiba was starting to get bit mad.

Kiba: Why'd you want to know that?

Y/n: Because everyone else, including me, are very worried about you, Kiba.

Kiba: They don't care at all.

Y/n: We do care about you, Kiba. But why? Is it for revenge?

Kiba was astounded by what he guessed it and he nodded. Kiba then explain why he wanted to destroy the holy sword for revenge of someone killing his comrade and leaving him the only one alive and Y/n was starting to feel bad for him because he knows that pain.

Y/n: Kiba. You know revenge won't get you anywhere. I should know that.

Kiba: No you don't.

Y/n: Yes I do. Just listen on what I'm about to say that you will understand, Kiba.

Then Kiba was listening and Y/n was saying that make Kiba stop with his revenge.

Y/n: You may survived in your ordeal but they couldn't, so they entrusted you with their last wishes to live out your life with everyone else and you care about. They might not be here physically but as you survived and they live in through you, their will carrying out you at living, so you want to have revenge on the sword project cost you, don't do it out of anger and vengeance, do it so no one else suffers the same pain and agony as you, Kiba, my friend.

As Y/n said that the spirits of the Holy Sword Project appeared by him by his presence and Kiba was feeling better and was smiling. Y/n unties the ropes around Kiba and help him out.

Kiba: Thank, Y/n. You're really are a kind person.

Y/n: You're welcome, Kiba. I really appreciate it, bro.

And both of them made a fist bump. So, after school and Y/n was walking back to his house to clear his thoughts and he was glad that he make Kiba to be back in Rias's peerage.

Y/n: (I hope Kiba stays on the right path instead of the revenge path. I kinda did the same thing when my dad died.)

As he was walking, he remembers the blonde hair girl he saw and he was thinking about it.

Y/n: (I'm curious about that woman and why do I have dreams about her?)

As he was walking, he heard something or someone who acting like a role in a Shakespearean play, and he decided to investigate the noise. As he was following the noise, he hide in a wall by the alley and saw the woman from his dreams.

 As he was following the noise, he hide in a wall by the alley and saw the woman from his dreams

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Y/n: (It's her! The one from my dreams!)

Then he looks at the unconscious and some dead stray devils from her surroundings.

Y/n: (And looks like she's been busy!)

Then she picks up the stray devil and slammed him on the wall while she spoke in a Shakespeare accent.

???: Tell me thy wretch! Where is thy husband at?!

Stray devil: Bitch, I don't know who're you talking about!

???: Thou are lying to thee? Then thou must suffer!

She launched a powerful water blast and made a stray devil go unconscious, while Y/n was watching on what he just witnessed. Y/n couldn't believe how strong she got, when he was trying to sneak away to inform everyone at Maya's place, he coughed accidentally causing the water sekirei to see him and she smiled.

???: Husband!

She launched herself at Y/n and shoving his head between her breasts and she was happy.

???: At last! Fate has brought us together, my husband!

Y/n: (Muffled) Husband?!?!

She lets go of him and kissed him on the lips and he saw blue wings and his hand was forming like a bird or some sorts. After she was done kissing him, she noticed that he was knocked out and she decided to bring him back to his place and she's lucky that no one was at his adopted mom's house.

She placed him on his bed and changed into her nightgown and went to sleep beside him.

(Hope you guys enjoyed it! Also, I hope you guys like the reveal on who Y/n saw in his dreams.)

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