Season 2 Ch.7: A reunion in unexpected place

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In the inside of the Bio mimic HEAV, the pilot told Y/n's friends and harem that they've arrived at the hollow earth, but Issei was feeling sick from the ride and was about to throw up as Asia looked out the window and saw the hollow earth, the home of the Titans and monsters, everyone else was in awe by how big and luscious it was, Ilene turned to everyone and asked them.

Ilene: How's the view of the hollow earth?

Rias: Never thought it'll be so beautiful.

Akeno: We thought supernatural existed but something else.

Koneko: So, where we heading?

Trapper: Out post one, little girl. Also, have I told you that one time I pulled Kong's rotten canine tooth but he was knocked out sleeping.

They nodded no, but they landed on the ground while Ilene opened the entrance to the HEAV, Issei quickly ran out and proceeded to threw up his lunch as for Y/n looked at the area of the hollow earth and remember how beautiful it was before the MBI kidnapped him, Y/n to everyone and explain the dangers.

Y/n: Alright, everyone. Listen up. Hollow earth is a highly dangerous place to stay or live at but you have me, Mothra, Shimo, and Kong because we know the dangers that lurks here. And don't get near the water, and if you're wondering why that because there's a Drownviper who lurks in the water and it will kill you. Any questions?

Tohka raised her hands and asked him about where Kong's at, he turned around and said that he was getting his weapon. So they started to walk to the Monarch out post one, for many hours later on due to the walk and they've finally arrived but was destroyed. Everyone was looking around on who caused this destruction but Issei turned around and saw a bloody handprint on the cliff.

 Everyone was looking around on who caused this destruction but Issei turned around and saw a bloody handprint on the cliff

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Issei: Uhhh, guys? What is that?

Everyone turned around and see what Issei was looking at.

Tohka: What type of ape did that?

Koneko: Maybe Kong?

Ilene: That's not Kong. It was something else.

Trapper: Yeah, let's get out of here before that something else comes back.

They decided to leave but Y/n take a look at the blood handprint and was thinking about where he seen it before but Tsukiumi look at Y/n and asked him a question.

Tsukiumi: Art thou going with us?

Y/n: Huh? Yeah, I'm coming and catching up in a bit, Tsukiumi. I.... can't think where I've seen it before.

Both Y/n and Tsukiumi went to catch up with the group but decided to stop by and have a lunch break but he heard something as a giant foetodon came out of nowhere, this made the group shocked about it.

Both Y/n and Tsukiumi went to catch up with the group but decided to stop by and have a lunch break but he heard something as a giant foetodon came out of nowhere, this made the group shocked about it

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Asia: What's that?

Kuroka: Kinda cute but weird.

Y/n: That's Doug. Get outta here, Doug! This is our lunch, scram!!

Doug turned around and left the group where everyone was eating their own lunch but Y/n couldn't stop thinking about the handprint and who left it, his thoughts was quickly interrupted by a roar from something as he froze up, Rias look at him as she turned to Mothra while she said is there something wrong with him and Mothra said that she doesn't know as Y/n got up and ran as he changed into his Godzilla form while running to the sound, everyone followed him while Shimo changed into her Kaiju form and let everyone on her back on her crystal while pursuing Y/n, he was far ahead away from them and he stopped his tracks for hours, he was looking for the noise.

While Rias was confused about why he stopped, Rias and the others was looking at another Godzilla who has Purple dorsal plates and has a long dorsal similar to Y/n's in his Godzilla form.

While Rias was confused about why he stopped, Rias and the others was looking at another Godzilla who has Purple dorsal plates and has a long dorsal similar to Y/n's in his Godzilla form

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Akeno: Is that another monster?

The two Godzilla circled around each other but the other one recognized his scent as he was walking to Y/n as he looks at him, then he rubbed his head with his, Y/n recognize his energy and scent.

Ilene: I don't believe it. It's his dad.

Asia: What'd you mean?

Trapper: You forgot that Godzilla can reproduce asexual?

Issei: No. This is the first time me hearing about it.

Tsurara: Same.

Both of them changed into their own human form, Hudson, Y/n's dad, hugged him while crying.

Hudson: My son!! You're alive!

Y/n: Who're you?

Hudson: It's me, son. You're dad. I'll explain later but for now, let's go home and have a feast!

Y/n: That's cool and all but can they tag along?

Hudson look behind him and said they can, Y/n was surprised that his dad wasn't mad at him. So, they went to the Iwi tribes location and saw a giant crystal from top to bottom, they're having a feast for Y/n's return but he was still wondering about the handprint he can't stop thinking about it.

So after the big feast, Y/n went to the tents and was about to go to sleep but Rossweisse came in with her pajamas, he asked her but she said something to him that he never heard.

Rossweisse: Y/n.....

Y/n: Yeah, what's up?

Rossweisse: I've talked with the girls if you want a harem but you already knew that. But I need your permission from you.

Y/n: From what?

Rossweisse: (Blushing) I want to marry you!!! There i said it!

He was at a loss for words that Rossweisse wanted to marry him and he kindly accepted it after he wanted to know why he was brought back here, she was smiling at him for his love as she hugged him while her breasts was pressing on his chest. So they went to sleep together and call it a day.

(Hope you guys enjoyed it! No rude or hateful comments! So, leave your prediction on what's going to happen in the next chapter of this story in the comments below.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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