Season 2 chapter 5: Settling waves

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At the inside of the room of the mansion and the bedroom, Y/n was waking up from his sleep and noticed that his head was laying on something soft and squishy, he looked up and noticed he sees Tsukiumi was looking at him with a smile and realized that he was laying on her lap.

He quickly gets up and backs away from her and she was confused about his reaction.

Tsukiumi: Why art thou confused?

Y/n: Why am I confused about? It's you!

Tsukiumi: Don't thou remember? Thou rescue thee, and the others when we were trapped in the facility few years ago and I was thinking thou was dead.

Y/n eyes was widen as he remembers what happened what she said was true about her Tsurara Okiawa and Tohka escape the facility and he was shocked about he remembers that event.

Y/n: Tsukiumi?

She was getting happy because he remembered her and that event as she was kissing him but Maya came in and put on a dark aura around her while she was smiling at him and Tsukiumi.

Maya: Son? What have we talked about bringing girls without my permission?

Y/n: (Scared) I'm sorry, mom.

Then she calmed himself down after she hits him and Tsukiumi on the head causing a bump on their heads. She said breakfast is almost done, So Y/n and Tsukiumi was getting dressed up for today and went to the kitchen table and everyone was eating breakfast.

As they're eating breakfast, Tsukiumi asked Y/n if they could go to get clothes for her because she only have her casual outfit and her nightgown, he nodded to her and he asked Hahari to lend him some money and she happy gave him some money.

So, they was getting ready to go to the mall and Tsukiumi was wrapping her arms around his and he was feeling that softness of her breasts as they're walking to the mall for several minutes. Then several minutes later, they've arrived at the mall in Japan and while inside of the mall, Y/n and Tsukiumi was walking around the mall and she dragged him around shopping area including the clothing store. While they're at the clothing store, Tsukiumi tried on different outfits and new swimsuits in case of the pool.

So after hours later, Y/n a d Tsukiumi was getting food from the stands and was eating on the table in the mall and talking about what he did while Tsukiumi was trying to find him and she was hearing that he defeated Riser and shows dominance to his enemies, she was falling for him even more, then he felt a stomach was rumbling and he said to her.

Y/n: Pardon me, Tsukiumi.

Tsukiumi: Where art thou going?

Y/n: I'm just going to the bathroom. Don't worry, I'll be quick.

He gets up from the chair as he went to the bathroom leaving Tsukiumi all by herself and some random perverts and was hitting on Tsukiumi, but she wasn't interested in the random perverts but one of them grabbed her arm as she glared at him and said.

Tsukiumi: Let go. Now!

Pervert 2: Or what?

She gets up from her spot as she crosses her arms, as they laughed at her but water starts to appear and swirl around her making her own intimidating, and used her water to blast them away from her, meanwhile with Y/n as he gets out of the bathroom and saying.

Y/n: Wooo doggy! That was a massive crap! Pretty sure they're going to smell it for weeks.

Then he sees Tsukiumi was doing her own intimidation display and he was shocked because he was the only one who make a intimidating display but he walked to her and asked her.

Y/n: Where'd you learn that?

Tsukiumi: I learned it from thou.

Y/n: Wow..... Never thought you learn from me. Congrats!

After the mall and when they arrive at his house, he sees Tohka and Tsurara Okiawa was in his mansion by Hahari and Maya showed a dark aura around her while smiling and he explained that he saved them while he's panicking and after dinner was done and eaten, Y/n went to his bedroom and went to bed.

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