Chapter 3: Confirming the suspicion

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At his house, Y/n was beginning to wake up from his bed, he stretches out and gets out of his bed. As he was getting out of his bed, he saw Kazehana wearing her nightgown shirt and causing him to have a small nose bleed.

Then Maya made some breakfast and he decided to go without it and heads to school with Hakari.

Hahari: Does he always skip breakfast?

Maya: No, he doesn't. That's the first time I've ever seen him skip breakfast.

Sung: I agree with you. Something is weird about him.

Kazehana: Like that time he grew up in a month that quickly?

Sung: You're maybe right, Kazehana. What if he's not human, but something else?

Then they gotten curious about him while he was gone to school.

At the inside of his school, he noticed that he can senses energy even from the students and he didn't have a headache anymore since yesterday. As he walked in, he noticed that there's a new student, named Asia Argento.

Mr. Kyle: Mister L/n. This is Asia Argento, she's currently new here at our school.

 This is Asia Argento, she's currently new here at our school

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Asia: It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/n.

Y/n: The pleasure is all mine, Asia. (She kinda reminds me of Hakari, pure and innocent. But what's the energy I'm sensing in her?)

Mr. Kyle: Now, would you kindly show Asia around our school?

He nodded in agreement, he and Asia went out of his classroom and showed her everything around the school, including his massive love for art.

As he was showing Asia around, he senses some devil energy around somewhere in his school and saw the new women who's going to be a teacher which caught his attention.

As he was showing Asia around, he senses some devil energy around somewhere in his school and saw the new women who's going to be a teacher which caught his attention

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Y/n: (Wow, she's..... beautiful and why does she reminds me of someone?)

Then Asia asked him a question about her as they're continuing her school tour lead by Y/n.

Asia: Who was that person?

Y/n: I'm guessing that she's signing up for our Norse mythology class. I'm actually quite looking forward to hearing it. And I'm a big fan of history myself, Asia.

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