Chapter 9: Asserting dominance

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Last time, Y/n was glowing blue and it's scaring him, so Maya came in and was shocked about when she was Y/n was glowing blue and she called Matsu to search for a reason why he's glowing. Then after Matsu scan him, she turned to everyone else and said.

 Then after Matsu scan him, she turned to everyone else and said

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Matsu: Sorry, guys. I don't know why he's all blue.

Then Maya said.

Maya: Y/n. What'd you do yesterday while you, Sung, and Kazehana was doing while finding the evidence of Kuroka's innocence?

Y/n: Well, I found this barrel of nuclear waste and, don't get mad at me, I....drank it.

Maya: You'll die from you drinking that!

Mothra: I believe we have answers, Maya.

Maya: You do?

Shimo: We believe that something in him is telling your son to evolve. Since he's bio-nuclear, nuclear radiation doesn't effect him.

Sung: That's something you don't hear everyday.

Kazehana: Wait a minute, Shimo. What'd you mean by Y/n's "evolving"?

Shimo: We don't know, Kazehana. Y/n, do you see anything after you drink the barrel?

Y/n: Well, there was this Godzillasaurus and it saw us and left while taking the barrel with it.

Mothra: A "Godzillasaurus"? And why didn't attack you three?

Sung: We don't know that one.

Matsu: Maybe it sense some familiar energy in Y/n. Like how baby whales to adult ones. Y/n, can you think about happy thoughts to calm down?

Then he thought of calming ocean wave and his entire body stopped glowing blue and went back to his normal state.

He thanks her and looks at the clock, he gets up and started to make a run for it for the school. When he arrived at Kuoh Academy, he saw three perverts and decided to dropkick them, then he didn't notice that all the girls are being a be flirty towards him as he was walking towards his class and he noticed that Rossweisse was giving his desk love notes and chocolate bars. This makes Y/n confused as anything.

Y/n: (Why's she doing that? Must be my instincts.)

When he was doing some class work, he saw Kiba and Issei was going out of Issei's class, he was wondering what's going on as he felt something in the ORC building so he asked Rossweisse a question.

Y/n: Teacher, may I be excused?

Rossweisse: Sure, dear. Be my guest.

Then he was confused about why she called him "dear", so he gets up from his desk and follow both Issei and Kiba while Y/n wouldn't get spotted by them.

When he arrived at the ORC club, he was overhearing through the door and heard something about arranged marriage and something about kill them, so he kicked open the door and saw the ORC club members and a blonde guy with a cocky smile on his face.

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