Season 2 Ch.1: The waking earth

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In the artic area, Y/n was in Godzilla form and he was starting to change his body and power into a new form

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In the artic area, Y/n was in Godzilla form and he was starting to change his body and power into a new form.

While in the monarch facility, everyone was watching for a titan until the alarm started to goes off and everyone started to panic because Y/n started to change his appearance.

Back with Y/n, he opened his eyes and burst out of the ice and gaining a new body and power as he roared in the sky that was signal for everyone that he's back.

Girl: Oh god. He's changed.

Back to Maya's house in Kuoh, Sung saw the news on the TV and said to everyone to come to him.

Sung: Guys. You better want to see this.

So, Maya and the others watching TV and saw Y/n in his Godzilla and he changed his appearance and his form.

So, Maya and the others watching TV and saw Y/n in his Godzilla and he changed his appearance and his form

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Raynare: Holy...

Kalawarner: Shit.

Shimo: Looks like he'd evolved.

Mothra: That he did. Thank goodness I talk to Tiamat about it.

Then the news reporter then said that there's two more Godzillas has appered, one in Odo island and the other in New Zealand.

Then the news reporter then said that there's two more Godzillas has appered, one in Odo island and the other in New Zealand

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Then he said that they'll reach Kuoh in tomorrow and they don't know why

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Then he said that they'll reach Kuoh in tomorrow and they don't know why. Sung take a look the other Godzilla on Odo island and asked Kazehana a question about it.

Sung: Wait a minute. Isn't that same Godzillasaurus we saw while we finding evidence about Kuroka?

Kazehana: Yeah, it does. How it gotten big I don't know. But when's Y/n coming back?

Then he heard a knock at the door, and revealed to be Y/n and his human body the same old but his hair was now black with pinkish-magenta tips on the bangs and his eyes were now magenta color.

Y/n: Sup everyone.

Then everyone was happy that he's back and noticed that Rossweisse was mad at him from him being gone. She walks to him and slapped him across the cheek and he said that he'll go on the date with her tomorrow morning.

He then noticed that Riser's peerage and Ravel was now living with him and the others, so he went to his room and before that, Mothra asked him a question for Tiamat.

Mothra: So, what did happen to Tiamat?

Y/n: I....Uhhh.....killed her. And I absorbed her DNA from Tiamat after I evolved.

Mittelt: Wait, you absorb Tiamat's DNA? How's that possible?

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Mittelt: Wait, you absorb Tiamat's DNA? How's that possible?

Y/n: Honestly, I have no clue about that.

Mothra: Wait, you killed Tiamat?!?! Why?!?!

Y/n: I don't know, she attack me and I had to do something to fight back!

(Anyone get the reference?)

Shimo: Well, at least that you're back.

Y/n: Well glad to be back. And you won't believe that I traveled the artic area all the way back to Japan. I even slept in the rome coliseum to take a rest.

Sung: Sounds like a long travel.

Y/n: It was, man! Also, *showed his tail* like my upgraded tail?

Shimo: You have thagomizers, like mine.

Y/n: At least, I'm not copying you, Shimo. Now, I'm going to take a shower.

He walked to the bathroom and take a shower in the bathroom. As he was taking a shower, he started to have a headache and puts his hands on his head as he was having visions of what's going to happen, Y/n reunited with a gorilla with a scar on his chest and a young ape, Y/n fighting sekirei #9 at the park he goes to, a ape like titan with red fur, Mechagodzilla a long with a ape titan.

He opened his eyes and was still showering and he said to himself.

Y/n: What the hell just happened? Since when do I have visions? What am I, bardock from DBZ or somethin'?

After he was done showering, he wrapped a towel on his waist and walked out of the door, he changed into his pajamas and went to to bed after he made a long travel back to Japan with zero destruction.

(In the hollow earth.)

In the hollow earth, every titan was roaming around until a big gorilla was walking around with a baby ape along with him. He felt something he recognized from the surface.

???: Well, looks like that son of a warbat is back in action.

??? 2: Who?

???: He's an old friend of mine, we used to have fight 3 years ago. C'mon, let's go visit him.

Then both apes started to head somewhere in the hollow earth to see Y/n in the surface section. And at the unknown section of the hollow earth, the red ape order one of his minions to scout the surface and survey, then he looks at the painting of the gojira species that he killed, except Y/n and the other two.

(Hope you guys enjoyed it! So, what's going to happen in the next chapter and leave your prediction in the comments below!)

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