Chapter 2: Sensory Overload

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Inside of his dream, Y/n could see himself fighting two monsters known as MUTOS both male and female in San Francisco during 2014 event. Then he saw himself in his kaiju form giving the female the kiss of death and roared victorious.

(If you guys seen Godzilla 2014, you know what I'm talking about.)

Then he wakes up and noticed that it was just a dream or was it true. He looks at Hakari and noticed that she was taking a shower in his bathroom. So he gets up from his bed and went to the kitchen and have breakfast with Maya, Sung, and Kazehana.

He was talking about with Maya about his rescue to Hakari and he thinks of her as his family, in the other room by the kitchen, Hakari overheard the conversation then Y/n believes that she was transferring to Kuoh Academy. Maya told him that keep her away from perverts from an old friend of hers, Y/n then agreed to this.

While at Kuoh Academy, Y/n was walking with Hakari while she wrapped his arms with her and he was feeling her breasts touching his arms and he blushing. Then everyone was talking about him and Hakari, while he was glaring the male with cold, death eyes and they gotten scared and pissed their pants.

As they walk in, both of them started to head to class and before they gotten to class, Hakari gotten a call from her mom, and she told her that she was about to get ambush by four guys and said that Y/n saved her from her rape moment. Then her mother told her that meet her at Maya's place after school.

In the classroom, Y/n was doing some class work until something weird was going on with him, he can see in high definition, hearing everything around him, his smell has increased.

Y/n: (What the???)

Then he heard the perverts complaining about everything, he gotten a headache and the teacher noticed him and said.

Mr. Kyle: Y/n, do you want to see the nurse?

He nodded.

Mr. Kyle: Please proceed to the nurse's office.

He gets up from his seat in the history class and told his teacher to keep an eye on Hakari while he's gone. So he went to see his school nurse and his friend, Chisato Hasegawa.

She checked every part on him and noticed that he was having a headache.

She checked every part on him and noticed that he was having a headache

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(Yes, she'll be in his harem, don't you worry.)

Chisato: So, when do these strange things happen?

Y/n: I don't know, Chisato. I was feeling weird today lately and I seriously have a headache. Got any migraines pills or something?

She went to the medicine cabinet and handed him migraine pills, he swallowed two of them and drank a cup of water. Then she started to patted him on his head.

Chisato: That's a good boy.

Y/n: (Blush) You know I'm not a kid anymore, right? I'm 18 years old or I think I am.

Then after that, he then left the nurse's office and went back to his classroom and continued the day until it was the end of the school day. Both he and Hakari was heading back to his house and meet her mom who called her during class hour again.

When they arrive at his house, He opened up and sees his mom's old friend, Hahari hanazono AKA Hakari's mom.

When they arrive at his house, He opened up and sees his mom's old friend, Hahari hanazono AKA Hakari's mom

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She sees her daughter and was happy that she was safe, then gave her a hug.

Hahari: I'm so glad that you're safe, Hakari.

Hakari: I know, mom. But this is my savior, Y/n L/n.

He waved at her and she was surprised by his manners and was well built for a 18 year old boy. She walks towards him and cupped his cheeks, then gave him a breasts hug.

Hahari: Thank you for saving my daughter! And I didn't know that you be this cute!

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Hahari: Thank you for saving my daughter! And I didn't know that you be this cute!

Y/n: (Muffled) Thanks, ma'am. Would you please let me go and let me breathe?!

She lets go of him and he has a very red face. Then they had conversations and Hahari said that they could come live with her for rewarding Y/n saving Hakari.

Maya was happy to hear this but Y/n was confused about why she's offering and asking Hahari that he lived with Maya since she found him and looks at her as his mom. Then Maya told them that they could stay the night before they moved to her place after Y/n get home from school tomorrow.

After that, Y/n was in his room and noticed that Maya came in and said.

Maya: Aren't you happy that we're able to live with my friend, Y/n?

Y/n: I don't know, mom. I mean, us living in a rich house and we've lived in this house since you've found me?

Maya: I know what're saying but we could use a new place and big enough in case you have a harem one day.

Y/n: Maybe you're right, mom.

Then she walked out of his room and left him alone. And while he was alone, he went to the bathroom and took a shower and inside the shower while he was washing himself, he then senses something very familiar to him and it was two female titans, then he shook it off and continues to his showering.

When he gets out of the shower and put on night shirts and went to bed and knowing that he was being watched by blue haired fallen angel and then disappeared into the darkness and left him alone.

(I hope you guys enjoyed it and look like that Y/n is regaining his Godzilla's abilities slowly.)

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