Season 2 Ch.2: Clash of God-zillas

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While Y/n was sleeping in his bedroom, his eyes was shot opened and pupils shrank down as he felt the other two Godzillas are coming in Japan but he has a feeling that they're wasn't attacking Japan.

So, he gets up and open the window in his bedroom and jumped out of it and ran to the source. While at his room, Kazehana noticed that he was gone and told everyone that he's missing and Mothra told them not to worry about and said that he's a king of the monsters and anyone opposed him shall feel his wrath.

At the middle of the forest during daylight, he looks at his surroundings in his kaiju hybrid form and said.

Y/n: Alright. Where are you two?

Then he heard a twig snapped, and he was surprised by two girls with Godzilla features on them.

Then he heard a twig snapped, and he was surprised by two girls with Godzilla features on them

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Y/n: What

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Y/n: What....????

??? 1: Looks like we've found him.

??? 2: Indeed we have. And I didn't know how cute he is.

The second one walked up to him and press her breasts on his chest and caressing his cheek with her hand.

??? 2: For the almighty king, you sure look cute one. Do you have a name, sweetie~?

Y/n: Y/n L/n. Now, who're you two?

??? 1: We'll explain it. Do you have a place to live?

Y/n: Follow me. I'll let mom know that I have guests.

So, they went back to his house but unknowingly to them, someone with blonde hair and has blue eyes was watching Y/n from the distance. So, back to his house, everyone was shocked about those two girls with Godzilla-like features.

Sung: I thought Y/n was the only one, Mothra.

Mothra: So did I.

Kazehana: Wait, is that one looks similar to that Godzillasaurus we saw?

Kuroka: Now, that you mentioned it. She does.

Y/n: Anyways, why'd you two showed up in Kuoh?

??? 1: Because your old friend sent us.

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