Chapter 7: Helping the kitty

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When morning is coming up, Y/n was about to wake up from his sleep and noticed a cat was sleeping on his chest. Y/n smiled at her and petting her head while he said.

Y/n: Morning, Kiki.

Then by his surprise, the cat is talking to him.

Kiki: Morning, Y/n.

Then his eyes are wide open due to his cat was talking to him and he looks at the cat with a surprise look on Y/n's face and he asked the cat.

Y/n: Did you just talk?

Kiki: Yes. Why?

Then he took a minute and realized that his cat was talking to him and he screamed making him jump out of his bed.

Y/n: (Screaming) A talking cat!! No way!!

Kiki: What? You never see a talking cat before? Honestly, I thought you were expecting me to talk.

Y/n: No, I didn't! How the hell am I supposed to know that you can speak?!?!

Kiki: You made a good point.

Y/n: Anyways, can you reveal your true self, please? You as a cat that can talk is actually freaking me out.

Then the bright light was glowing on the cat and he had to cover his eyes and after the light died down and revealed to be a woman with black hair, hazel gold eyes with cat pupils, cat ears and two tails, wearing a black and red kimono.

Then the bright light was glowing on the cat and he had to cover his eyes and after the light died down and revealed to be a woman with black hair, hazel gold eyes with cat pupils, cat ears and two tails, wearing a black and red kimono

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Y/n: You're a girl?!?!

???: Well, yeah.

Y/n: How come I didn't sensed you?

???: It because of my senjentsu magic. I can even hide my chi to be undercover.

Y/n: I won't lie, you actually got me realizing that I thought you're a regular cat.

???: Thank you.

Y/n: Now, let's get down to business. Who are you?

???: I'm Kuroka. I'm sure you know Shirone.

Y/n: I'm Y/n, and you're talking about Koneko, yes? Are you her cousin?

Kuroka: No, I'm her sister. Well, older sister in fact.

Y/n: Really? Huh, that's new. Anyways, why're you here?

Then Kuroka explain to Y/n that she was framed for killing her master to protect her sister and she was about to cry, then Y/n hold her in his arms and trying to make her feel better. Y/n looks at the clock and realized that he was late for school, so he told her to stay in her cat form until he gets back from school.

So in his classroom, Rossweisse was teaching class about titans were the protectors of nature and Rossweisse said that she meet a titan before, Y/n realized where he met Rossweisse before and he had a flashback when he was chasing MUTOs in 2014 in San Francisco.

At lunchtime, Y/n was eating his lunch made by his mom and he takes off the lunchbox and saw tuna casserole and sausage that shape like octopus. He thank for the food and started to eat it, then he saw Koneko was sitting down by him.

She looks at him and speaks in her usual voice.

She looks at him and speaks in her usual voice

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Koneko: Yo.

Y/n: (Oh yeah, that's the girl I helped her to beat up the perverts.) Hey.

As they're eating their own lunch, he noticed that Koneko was eating a chocolate bar and he asked her.

Y/n: I'm guessing that you love chocolate?

Koneko: Yeah, why?

Y/n: Well, I personally enjoy chocolate. In fact *pulled out chocolate bar* you can have mine.

She grabbed his chocolate bar and started to nibble on the candy and she likes it. She made a small blush and she said.

Koneko: (Small blush) Thanks.

Y/n: You're welcome. I know this place that has a lot of candy. I'm sure you'll like it.

Koneko: That would be super rad. I heard that you hate pervs?

Y/n: I despise perverts. I just wanted them to die.

Koneko: I like you. Wanna be my friend?

Y/n: Sure.

They both shake hands and they're now friends. They continue on their day and they heard the school bell rings and left the school.

At the house, Y/n was eating dinner with Maya, Sung, Mittelt, Kalawarner, Raynare, Kazehana, Mothra, Hakari, Hahari, and Shimo. During they're done eating their own dinner, the maids has taken their place and Y/n was going to his bedroom, and when he arrived, he shut the door and said to she could come out.

Kuroka: Is Shirone alright?

Y/n: Yeah. She is, Kuroka. I believe Rias is taking care of her, even i haven't met her but she sounds like a caring girl.

Kuroka: That's good. I'm just.... worried about her.

Y/n: I know you're worried about Koneko, Kuroka.

Then Maya came in to check on Y/n, she saw him and Kuroka and showed a dark aura around her and said with a smile.

Maya: Who's this person, Y/n?

Y/n: (Scared) Mom, lemme explain! T-That's Kuroka.

Kuroka: It's a pleasure to meet you.

Then Maya calm down and said to Kuroka.

Maya: It's nice to meet you too. I'm Maya, Y/n's adopted mom.

Kuroka: What?

Y/n: She found me when I was a kid.

Kuroka: Oh.

Then Maya turned to Y/n and then asked him a question about Kuroka.

Maya: Why's she here?

Y/n: She needs my help to prove her innocence, she was framed.

Then he explained everything what Kuroka said to him and said it to Maya and she felt bad for Kuroka. Y/n realized something about where her old master place is and he asked her.

Y/n: Kuroka. Where's your old master place is?

Kuroka: In a old abandoned building by Kuoh's forest. Why?

Y/n: I'm going to find the evidence and prove your innocence.

Kuroka: You will?

Y/n: Yes, I will. But I need Sung and Kazehana for this one tomorrow since today is Friday. So I better rest up and tell them to get ready.

They both agree with his idea. So everyone is getting ready to go to bed and Y/n was on his bed and changed his clothes and went to bed and goes to sleep.

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