Season 2 ch. 3: Where is kong's axe?!

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In the church in Kuoh after an unknown girl attacking the stray devils but one was living and scared, but a girl with chestnut hair pulled down on her cloak and saw the massacre in the church.

???: What happened here, Xenovia?

Then she pulled down her cloak reveal to be a girl with blue hair and a green stripe on her hair.

Then she pulled down her cloak reveal to be a girl with blue hair and a green stripe on her hair

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(Ignore the devil wings)

Xenovia: I don't know, Irina. Who ever does this could be still around. Be on your guard.

Irina pulled out her sword and was investigating a debris and spotted a stray devil was startled.

Devil: Oh fuck!

Irina: Xenovia, I've found a stray devil!

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Irina: Xenovia, I've found a stray devil!

Devil: Don't shout! She's still here!

Irina: Who's "she"?

Devil: Wait, you're not sekirei #9.

Then Xenovia showed up and asked.

Xenovia: Who's that? I have questions about why was this sekirei #9 is here?

Devil: She was looking for someone who she saved. A boy named Y/n.

Irina: Who's that?

Xenovia: I don't know but we may have to see him soon. *Sees a axe's shard and picked it up* Let's see if this Y/n person knows this.

Then we cut to Y/n was getting up from his bed and heads to the shower in the bathroom. He takes off his clothes and hopped onto the shower, while he was showering, he felt a pain in his head and had flashback.

(In his flashback)

Y/n was on top of the building and was confused about where he is.

Y/n: What the hell am I??

Then he sees someone with long blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing black dress with white parts, has a black and white choker on her neck, has black stockings and brown boots.

Y/n: (Who the fuck is that? And why'd she look familiar?) Uhh..hey? Where am I at exactly?

The unknown girl said in a Shakespeare accent.

???: Thou should prepare Thyself, husband. Because, I am coming for thee.

(End of vision)

His eyes was open and saw that he was in his bathroom in his shower while it was still going. After he turned the water off and gets out of the shower and dries himself off.

Y/n: (What the hell just happened? And what's up with that woman and her accent?)

After he gets out of the bathroom, and as he was walking towards the school with Rossweisse, he senses two female exorcist are in Kuoh, which is his territory, causing him to growl and senses something else but hidden.

Y/n: (Deadly, cold) Stay here. I don't want you girls get hurt.

Then girls started to blush at his dominance as Y/n is Godzilla. And the boys was getting scared of him. During class hours and Y/n felt something and he walked out the door and head to the ORC building. As he walked in, he saw Koneko beat up Issei.

Then he saw a blue hair girl was about to attack and he step in front of her.

Y/n: I won't do that if I was you, exorcist.

Xenovia: (That's him. The one lord Michael told us about.) You must be Y/n, correct?

He nodded and then she showed him a piece of a shard which Y/n remember where it came from.

Y/n: A piece of Kong's axe. Where'd you get it?

Irina: A stray devil gave it to us while he was barely alive after the attack in the church.

ORC: Huh?

Y/n: What'd you mean that?

Xenovia: He said that a woman with blonde hair attack them, I assume it was Asia who did it.

Issei: Hey! You leave her outta this!

Y/n: Can't believe I'm saying this, but he's right! Asia's been with them the entire time.

Xenovia: But she said that she's looking for you. But I think we'll take our leave.

Then both of them left and Kiba was mad at the holy sword project and said that he's one of the test subjects and Y/n felt how he feels and tried to stop him.

Rias: What's this shard comes from?

He explained that the shard belongs to Kong's axe when he found it while he was in the hollow earth with Monarch. So, then he sees Irina and Xenovia and noticed Issei to don't anything perverted or he'll punish him to the brink of mind breaking, and Akeno gets turned on by his sadism. When he gets home and he told everyone what happened in the ORC club and said that be cautious and be on a lookout on kong's axe is.

Then they decided to go to bed and went asleep, except Y/n who was still wondering about the woman that he saw in a vision. He shrugged it off and went to sleep.

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