Chapter 4: The king awakens pt1

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Inside of his dreams, he could see him in Kaiju form and lifting heavy weights with a giant gorilla with scars slashes on his chest and has a beard, and both of them having a weight lifting contest.

When he was watching himself and a giant gorilla, he wakes up from his dream world into the real world and something hit on his head. He looks at that Kazehana was there with him last night and noticed that there's a cat with both of them.

Y/n: (When did we have a cat? I don't remember having a cat when mom found me.)

Then the cat just nuzzles at his face and he just brushed it off.

(Timeskip brought to you by Y/n working out and Akeno gets a nose bleed)

On his way to school, he went by the park from yesterday and noticed that there's more plants and vegetations then usual. He looks at the park while he's walking and said to himself.

Y/n: Did I do that? If that is, then I literally defy laws of science and nature. I hope mother nature ain't mad at me.

When he arrived at his school, he noticed that Guards was by the girls room and everything and he saw Hakari and asked her a question.

Y/n: Hey, Hakari. Why's there a bunch of guards here at the school?

Hakari: Here's the thing, my mom bought Kuoh Academy just to be with you and she's in love with you as the same to me.

Y/n: Excuse me, what? (I knew it! I fucking called it!!) So, why the guards?

Hakari: Mom said that they'll be the anti-pervert through out the school and the guards will catch them in the perverts were caught and punished.

Y/n: (I actually pretty good. But I really don't feel bad for the perverts.) When I see your mom, I gotta thank her. Because she just saved me from my holy protection to protect the girls and their privacy.

Then both of them went in the school and went to their separate classroom. As he was walking to his classroom, he was hearing Sona was talking to Rias Gremory, the woman he waved at before he meets Hakari.

Sona: So, how's your Peerage doing.

Sona: So, how's your Peerage doing

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Rias: They're been doing great. Except Issei.

Sona: What about your pawn?

Rias: He's been trying to peak in on girls again, but we did saw a person named Y/n L/n who punished Issei on his first day before the guards did his work.

Sona: Speaking of Y/n, me and Tsubaki met him when he joined Kuoh Academy. We was having a weird feeling about him.

Rias: Me and Akeno felt the same energy from Y/n. He's quite a mystery.

Sona: And Momo informed me that the park has more plants than usual, even has rare plants.

Rias: That's weird, Sona. Does Y/n have a sacred gear in him?

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